Don’t Let the EU Parliament Ignore 100 Million Cyclists

There are 35 million daily cyclists in Europe. There are more than 100 million Europeans that cycle regularly. Yet the European Institutions are failing to take cycling seriously as a mode of Transport.

Strategic EU documents keep failing to mention cycling and it is at risk of being sidelined by more powerful lobby interests.

It’s time for this to change.

Important budgets are being decided between now and 2014, and we want to stop this negative trend. It’s time for us to remind the European Parliament, a democratically elected body, that cyclists’ have a voice and a place in European policy.

By putting pressure on them, we make sure that cycling deserves recognition as an important mode of transport.

Action to Take: Send These MEPs An Email before Tuesday, December 18. We have prepared a draft statement, available here.

Please contact your country’s MEP from the Parliament’s Transport Committee. They can be found here