Category Archives: Irish Posts

Ireland, see also NI

Prof. Brian Caulfield of TCD researches cycling issues


His latest work with his graduate student researcher, Jack Short, involved analysing two data sets containing information on serious injuries happening to cyclists on both our roads and off-road in driveways, gardens, MTB trails, etc. We know from the international research road safety research literature that police forces don’t necessarily record all cases of serious injury happening to cyclists from impacts with vehicles (these are called RTCs) on public roads so that there is considerable under-reporting of serious injuries. Continue reading Prof. Brian Caulfield of TCD researches cycling issues

Pre-Budget 2015 submission from – The Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, the network of the cycling campaigns and bicycle festivals on this Island, makes this Pre-Budget Submission 2015 in an attempt to encourage fresh thinking about the purpose of a taxation system in relation to decreasing the societal impacts and latent costs to the Exchequer from motorised transport use and unhealthy lifestyles. Budgets should be striving to support healthier, cost-effective modes of transport with benefits across health, community and the environment sectors. Investment in cycling promotion is one of the most cost-effective actions that any government can make.

  1. Full submission
  2. Learning to cycle again: Examining the benefits of providing tax-free loans to purchase new bicycles
  3. Report on the Cycle to Work Scheme Tax Incentive