All posts by damien.otuama

Irish Cycling Campaign Submission on Primary Wellbeing Curriculum

Earlier today (Fri 07 June 2024), Irish Cycling Campaign made a submission in response to the public consultation on the new Primary Wellbeing Curriculum. We have posted a copy of it below. 

We note here that the consultation is open until 5pm on June 18th. This new curriculum will encompass both Physical Education and Social, Personal and Health Education and is the first revision of the curriculum since 1999. This curriculum will most likely be in effect for the next few decades in our primary school system, so it’s essential that we have a stronger focus on cycling within it.

Do please take 10 mins over the coming days to send in your own request that utility cycling and cycling as transport be given a prominent role within the final draft.

Written submissions can be sent to [email protected] from now until 5pm on June 18th. More on the background to the consultation can be read via this link.

And we wish to sincerely thank our Irish Cycling Campaign volunteers for their excellent work on the submission that you can read just below.

Dear Sir / Madam,

Irish Cycling Campaign
(formerly, the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network), is the national organisation of cycling advocacy groups, greenway groups and bike festivals on the island of Ireland. We are the Irish member of the European Cyclists’ Federation.  Our vision is for an Ireland with a cycle friendly culture, where everyone has a real choice to cycle and is encouraged to experience the joy, convenience, health and environmental benefits of cycling.

We are very thankful for the opportunity to submit our observations of the new draft Wellbeing Curriculum Specification and fully support its vision to holistically empower children with skills across subjects such as Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and Physical Education (PE) to live healthier, more connected and happier lives. 

Our submission has been drafted by a number of primary teachers supported by experts in paediatric health with direct experience of delivering support to children of all mobilities.


The Irish Cycling Campaign believes that cycling should be an integral component of the physical education curriculum, aimed at fostering holistic development and promoting well-being among primary school students. The inclusion of cycling aligns with the overarching aims of the curriculum, as outlined below:

1. Physical Well-being: Cycling encourages regular physical activity, contributing to the development of cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and overall physical health. Through cycling, students enhance their motor skills, coordination, and balance, laying the foundation for a healthy and active lifestyle.

2. Social Well-being: Cycling offers opportunities for social interaction and collaboration, promoting teamwork, communication, and peer support. Group cycling activities foster a sense of community and belonging, while also cultivating empathy and respect for others.

3. Emotional Well-being: Engaging in cycling activities can have positive effects on mental health and emotional well-being. Riding a bike provides a sense of freedom, independence, and achievement, boosting self-esteem and confidence. Moreover, outdoor cycling experiences promote connection with nature and community, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

4. Cognitive Well-being: Cycling stimulates cognitive development through problem-solving, decision-making, and spatial awareness. Navigating different terrains and traffic conditions requires critical thinking and concentration, enhancing students’ cognitive skills and resilience.

5. Climate Responsibilities: Children cycling not only benefit from the activity themselves but also contribute positively to mitigating climate change. By adopting cycling as a mode of transport, students reduce their carbon footprint, thereby fostering a sense of environmental stewardship from a young age. Emphasising the climate responsibilities associated with cycling empowers students to recognize their role in addressing global environmental challenges and encourages them to make sustainable choices in their daily lives.

Incorporating cycling into the primary school curriculum reflects a commitment to holistic education, encompassing physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and environmental dimensions of well-being. By providing students with opportunities to cycle safely and confidently, the curriculum aims to empower them to lead healthy, active, and sustainable lives while fostering a sense of responsibility towards the planet.

A further point to note here is that Irish transport policy, investment plans and the mobility culture are all having to change quickly now in response to the need to rapidly decarbonise the transport sector. Therefore it important to equip school children with the skills to be able to use the transport infrastructure networks of the future – i.e. those ‘active travel’ routes which are being developed extensively countrywide as part of the National Cycle Network Plan, CycleConnects plans, BusConnects bus and cycle network plans and the metropolitan cycle network plans such as the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan. Training in being a competent bicycle user at a young age will help pupils to confidently navigate the multi-modal transport systems which will become increasingly common in Ireland (and indeed abroad) over the coming years. Becoming a competent cyclist is a skill for life in a rapidly changing world.    

Requested Amendment:

The Irish Cycling Campaign is recommending the following changes to the Table 9: Description of Physical Education activity areas contained within Section 6D: PE Activity Areas on pages 43 and 44 of the Draft Primary Wellbeing Specification to strengthen the place of cycling as both an enjoyable activity and a key travel mode for children in our primary school system.

  1. From the section labelled “Adventure” we recommend the removal of “Wheel based activities are also an important element of adventure activities incorporating a focus on the lifelong activity of cycling, alongside other wheel-based activities such as scooter and scooter board.”
  2. With this deletion we would recommend the inclusion of a new separate section titled “Cycling, Wheeling and Walking” to replace this reference to cycling.

Within this “Cycling, Wheeling and Walking” section we would suggest the following as the body of text to better support cycling within the curriculum:

Cycling empowers independence and connection in children allowing them the freedom and safety to travel to and from school in a method that both enables activity and climate responsibility. Direct teaching of cycling skills will enable them to travel in a safe and enjoyable fashion while learning to be considerate road users. 

Social cycling to school instils within children a habit of regular, daily activity within their lives. It creates a connection to their peers and their wider community further fostering active citizenship and acts as a base for a healthy and active lifestyle. 

Cycling, walking and wheeling also provide opportunities for children to be active outside directly taught PE classes and organised sports. Taken together these movement types instil a lifelong love of movement that includes children of all abilities.

Additional Observations:

  1. Teacher Training and Upskilling

Existing cycle training programs in schools tend to be outsourced to external cycle training providers. This poses challenges for many schools as they may not be in a position to provide funding for these training providers or book training providers due to timetabling issues or geographical location. 

We recommend that the Wellbeing curriculum encourages and expects class teachers to directly engage with teaching and learning related to cycling. We appreciate that there will be training needs in this area but feel that this may be achieved through the provision of Continuous Professional Development and EPV training courses and events. 

These training courses should intend to enable class teachers to ensure that the children in their class are able to:

  1. Develop the foundational skills in order to cycle safely between two points. 
  2. Carry out basic checks and tasks on a bike (move saddle height, check brakes, pump tyres).
  3. Understand the rules of the road.
  4. Develop an interest and curiosity in cycling. 

(b) Health benefits

HSE guidelines on physical activity in children say that children over 5 should have at least 1 hour of energetic play a day – ‘where they sweat and breath faster than normal’. Staying fit is imperative for a child’s growth and development to have a healthy body, develop self confidence and improve learning and attention (HSE, 2022). We argue this activity could be done on route to and from school where possible.  

Additionally, being overly car-dependent poses both direct and indirect risks to children. An Irish child’s outdoor environment is made physically more dangerous with increasing number and size of vehicles and their associated pollution. The indirect effects to health in taking sedentary transport to school is the opportunity cost of not walking, cycling or scooting to school. In effect, this is about more than teaching a child to cycle a bike; rather, it is about using it it as a transport tool and supporting this positive transition can improve baseline paediatric health and create lifelong healthy habits. According to the Department of Children in 2018, approximately 50% of children aged 10–17 reported being physically active for at least 60 minutes per day on more than four days per week, early intervention at primary school level can help develop these healthy habits.

Walking or cycling to where you are going will be good for a child and allow them to engineer physical activity into their daily lives by transport. An easy win. According to the Road Safety Authority figures show that 2 of 3 child casualties on our roads were child pedestrians or cyclists. Between 2014 and 2022 there were 56 fatalities aged 0-15 years and 852 seriously injured road users, representing 4% of total fatalities and 8% of total serious injuries. Although we believe the responsibility of reducing road danger lies with the adult driving the car, road safety awareness starts by being a pedestrian or cyclist.  Cycling is a core life skill, a building block to road safety to improve awareness, it should be part of the syllabus at primary level.

Cycling is inclusive, children with different physical and mental needs are capable of cycling a bike. This may not be the same for children during other activities. 

(c) SEN Children: Focus on Cycling and Autism

Children with autism are very often some of the most creative and detail oriented children within the classroom. They are keen observers and are incredibly resilient, accepting and honest. In addition to the huge positives children with autism bring to school and family life, they also have a number of common challenges which may include:

• Difficulty with social interaction.

• Delayed or limited communication skills.

• Sensory processing difficulties.

• Restrictive patterns of behaviour or interests.

• Delays and difficulties with motor skills development.

• Stereotypical behaviours.

• Concentration difficulties.

Some of the motor skills problems that children with Autism experience include difficulties with balance, postural stability, joint flexibility and movement speed. The secondary consequence of motor skills difficulties include avoidance of group activities including team sports and therefore decreased opportunity for physical activity and social interaction. We would firmly maintain that our cities and schools must provide support and facilities to allow all children to avail of the right amount of physical activity for optimum health and wellbeing.

Exercise of all kinds increases opportunities for social interaction and improves social motivation and communication for all children but especially for children with autism. It promotes calmness and relaxation while also having clear improvements in physical health. Physical stimulation obtained through body rocking, arm flapping and spinning can decrease with regular daily exercise. As with all school children, physical exertion helps children with autism to complete classroom tasks with increased accuracy. 

Motor Skills and FUNdamental Movement Skills

If we examine motor skills and fundamental movement skills we can very clearly focus on the benefits cycling in particular can bring to children with autism. With many of these children experiencing roadblocks in developing different aspects of their motor skills, the development of physical literacy is a key part of their schooling and life skills development. They may need more time and support to learn to cycle but once accomplished their sense of achievement is powerful. The therapeutic and emotional benefits gained are very worthwhile.

The Move Well, Move Often programme (PDST, 2017) has been rolled out in schools in recent years and has a far more skills and assessment focused take on physical literacy than previous physical education programmes. It has been adapted for use by many Special Education Needs (SEN) teachers in Irish primary schools over the past number of years for both individual and group teaching of fundamental movement skills. When looking at these skills it’s important to understand that while they may be given specific instruction during motor skills teaching with children with autism, all of these physical literacy skills are complementary and interconnected. While locomotion and manipulative skills may be easier to teach within a standard school PE hall setting, the stability skills benefit hugely from extra interventions such as cycling. 

For many children with autism regulation of sensory inputs can be a particular challenge. They may be overloaded by noisy, busy environments. Proprioceptive (body awareness) and vestibular (balance) sensory senses can often be challenging areas too. This can lead to a more limited ability to explore their environment and, in turn, less opportunity to develop their sensory systems, resilience and relationships with peers. Children with motor difficulties require activities that challenge these systems to help them to improve and develop. They need activities that challenge balance, coordination and motor planning such as cycling to help address these sensory issues. Activities such as these have a hugely calming influence on the sensory systems of children with autism. 

Social Skills Development

Social skills, difficulties with social interactions and making meaningful and lasting connections with peers is a key focus of a lot of school aged interventions. A huge aspect of the teaching of primary school aged children focuses on building and developing these skills. Children with autism have both discrete social skills teaching and social group teaching as part of their school-based interventions. Cycling to school with peers in a group or a cycle bus (a group of children cycling together in convoy to and from school under parental supervision) helps develop a sense of belonging and community with their peers that sits perfectly alongside this. The shared communal routines provide incredible benefits to their levels of social interaction, communication skills and most importantly their self-confidence. 

The importance of cycling to both children’s feelings of belonging and inclusion within a group and their mental health cannot be overstated. This is especially important as children reach adolescence where interests and behaviours develop. A shared way of moving together such as cycling gives children a sense of belonging and a common interest. It also ensures that the exercise they need to help self-regulate is an enjoyable and communal experience. Having the outlet for their feelings is an especially important part of guiding children with autism through this particular phase of their lives and having a solid peer group such as a cycling group strengthens this resilience.

We know that physical activity rates decrease from childhood to adolescence. Older individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) living in community settings have been observed to live very sedentary lifestyles. If children with ASD do not develop participation skills in active leisure time activities, they will most likely become increasingly sedentary with age placing them at risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. We must therefore strive to encourage physical activity for these children in our schools and communities.

Support children with autism to learn to cycle and provide the infrastructure to keep them cycling, and they will gain lifelong benefits for their physical and emotional wellbeing.  Of equal importance, they will have increased opportunities for meaningful daily social interactions.


We wish to thank the NCCA and its staff for what is an excellent draft specification for the new Primary Wellbeing Curriculum. We hope that you find our observations helpful and that you will consider them for inclusion in the final draft of the curriculum. If we can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact us at any stage.


Neasa Ní Bheilbigh – Chairperson of the Irish Cycling Campaign, (Primary Teacher – Galway)

Dave Tobin – Vice-Chair of the Irish Cycling Campaign (Primary SET – Limerick)

Conn O’Donovan – Irish Cycling Campaign (Primary Teacher – Cork)

Vinnie Wall – Executive Member of the Irish Cycling Campaign (Paediatric Anesthesiologist – Cork)

Colm Ryder – Submissions Officer of the Irish Cycling Campaign 


Note that a PDF version of this submission can be downloaded / read HERE.  

Measuring Active Travel with Telraam – Irish Cycling Campaign webinar

Irish Cycling Campaign recently hosted a special online session about measuring active travel, engaging your communities and influencing policymakers.

Our special guest speaker was Community Manager Robert McIntosh from Telraam, who provided an overview of what their devices do and how you can get started.

Irish Cycling Campaign’s Dave Anderson spoke about the experiences of his local group, Navan Cycling Initiative, in using Telraam, the supports offered and potential funding options.

The online webinar was recorded and is now available here to watch:

Irish Cycling Campaign wishes to thank Telraam’s Robert McIntosh for sharing his expertise and advice at this ICC webinar. 

For more info about Telraam, head to

Irish Cycling Campaign – Reflecting on our Campaigning in 2023

In this article, we look back on 2023 through the frame of our 2021-26 Strategy (with our six strategic aims shown below) and consider how much progress we have made. In particular, we highlight where Irish Cycling Campaign / our Local Groups are making a real impact on the mobility culture of Ireland.

Note, however, that this article only scrapes the surface of all of the incredible work conducted by our network of volunteers for which we are very grateful.

ICC’s overarching aims as per our current strategy, are:

  1. Develop a vibrant and resilient all-island cycling advocacy community
  2. Influence the national conversation on mobility and quality of life
  3. Seek to ensure public policy embraces cycling
  4. Advocate for more effective institutions and new legislation
  5. Seek to ensure there is ample funding spent on cycling
  6. Seek to secure high quality routes and infrastructure

We frame our 2023 highlighted achievements around these: 

  1. Community
    Underpinning effective advocacy work is having a resilient organisation, and we put significant work into this in 2023.

    We note here:
    – the adoption of our new Constitution (
    – the development of our Operations Manual
    – the advancement of a “Theory of Change” (not yet published)
    – the hosting of a major “Gathering” of our members, aimed at ‘upping the morale’ of volunteers. This event also marked the 30th Birthday of local group Dublin Cycling Campaign, a significant milestone –  

  2. National Conversation
    Throughout 2023, Irish Cycling Campaign was the ‘go-to’ NGO for the media for insights on cycling policy. We also helped to shape the conversation on wider (public) transport topics, and on links between public health outcomes and transport investment types. A summary of our 2023 media contributions can be read here while our contributions in the media in 2024 to date can be read here. Without these contributions, media discourses would be dominated by less informed and more car-centric perspectives. Our contributions soften the ground for a greater public acceptance for active travel investments.

    We also note the contributions ICC members made at the international “Cycling and Society” Research Conference – see These help to inform under- and post-grad thinking from an activist perspective.  

  3. Public Policy
    Throughout 2023, we advocated to the Departments of: Transport; Environment, Climate & Communications; Health; and Finance for cycling as a climate-friendly, healthy, congestion-free transport mode. 

Following submissions made in 2023, we were very happy to see the National Cycle Network Plan published in Jan 2024 – In more concrete terms, we warmly welcomed the Shannon Cycle Bridge opening which we have long advocated for

  1. Institutions and Legislation
    One of the most difficult domains ICC operates in is where we seek to change the culture of driving, and this brings us into close contact with the National Transport Authority (NTA), the Gardaí and the Road Safety Authority in particular.

    A major milestone for cycling campaigners in 2023 was getting the new National Cycle Manual published ( ICC provided detailed technical feedback on earlier iterations, and this helped to shape the final version of the manual. Additionally, many ICC members took part in the Engineers Ireland training webinars on it – – which helps to inform our community and shape the minds of others working in this domain.

    Amongst the topics raised with An Garda Síochána were collision reporting, the portal for video evidence, and wider enforcement issues through our meetings with the A/Commissioner for Community & Roads Policing, Paula Hilman, and her team. We are now building on these conversations so as to put a greater emphasis on reducing road danger from driver behaviour, vehicle speeds, and ever increasing vehicle sizes. 

  2. Funding
    As noted above, we continue our work to normalise the idea that at least 20% of the transport capital budget is spent on active travel. Our Pre-Budget Submission (delivered in August 2023) re-emphasised this argument – Additionally, our active engagement with the European Cyclists’ Federation supported its work in securing the adoption of the first EU level inter-institutional cycling policy –

  3. Quality Infrastructure
    Of the submissions made in 2023, we note the quality of those made to An Bord Pleanála in regard to the 12 BusConnects ‘Core Bus Corridor’ planning applications. See Four of the 12 schemes have now been approved by ABP (

    We also highlight the quality of the submissions on Metrolink in early 2023 (, which were followed by presentations at the Oral Hearing in early 2024 – all focused on intermodal journeys as reported by the Irish Times

Bike Week 2024 – Irish Cycling Campaign

Irish Cycling Campaign is delighted to see so many of our Local Groups organising events for Bike Week 2024 in every corner of the country. In this article, we list some of the main events that groups are running – while noting that it is not exhaustive!

You can read about further events on the official Bike Week site here:

We encourage everyone to support our events – and also to join Irish Cycling Campaign if you are not already a member
Thank you!  

The Wheels of Athenry / Co.Galway 

Athenry CycleFest 2024

Saturday, 11th May, 1 – 4pm

Athenry Town Park

Athenry CycleFest 2024 will be kicking off #BikeWeek in County Galway on Saturday the 11th of May from 1 – 4pm in the Town Park!

Wheel on down to Athenry CycleFest for a *FREE* and jam packed afternoon of Cycling, Community, and Craic in the Town Park.

The afternoon’s grand finale is the ATHENRY PEDAL PARADE at 3pm starting at the Town Park. 

The full programme can be found HERE.

A huge welcome awaits for folk near and far!

For a taster of what to expect check out our promo vid HERE.



All info at

FRIDAY 17TH MAY 2024 7pm Opening night: Lap of the town, blessing of the bicycles & film night opening night at DeBarras Folk Club (upstairs)

SATURDAY 18TH MAY 2024 10am Chakra Dance Cycle – leave at 10am – cycle to Ring to loosen up those Chakra’s through dance – co hosted with Ciara Holland – free, please book, text 085 874 5891 or [email protected]

SATURDAY 18TH MAY 2024  3pm – ‘Kidical Mass’ Cycle meet at Emmet Square – Another addition of our most popular event for kids.  Bring your bike to Emmet Square for an all ages lap around Clonakilty

SATURDAY 18TH MAY 2024  7pm – Sunset Bird Watch Cycle (10km) meet at Emmet Square – cycle from Clonakilty town to the Inchydoney estuary identifying local birds species.  In collaboration with Bird Watch Ireland Free

SUNDAY 19TH MAY 2024  10.30am Stop, Look, Listen cycle – meet at Emmet Square – cycle a lap of the town to the biodiversity garden at Bennetts Field, and listen to 3 pieces of music on the theme of nature and biodiversity.

SUNDAY 19TH MAY 2024   3pm – River cycle in collaboration with Clochán Uisce (our local rivers group) – meet at Emmet Square to explore the biodiversity in our local rivers and check its health including kick sampling and water testing as part of the EU drinkable rivers program. Family friendly.

SUNDAY 19TH MAY 2024  5.30pm ‘Waste not, want not’ Curry Cycle!  a 5 km cycle around Clonakilty to arrive at our secret location for a ‘Waste Not Want Not’ Curry prepared by chef Gillian Hegarty (followed directly by end of fest Bikeoke Party).  BYO tupperware and take home any leftovers. Registration essential 30 max – free dinner with prebooking! Free, please book, text 085 874 5891 or [email protected]

SUNDAY 19TH MAY 2024   7pm End of festival Bikeoke party – O’Donovans Alley Garden (no need to book) – can anyone top Thady’s performance of Tequilla from last year?

Clonakilty Bike Circus

Christmas Tree Yard
at Spiller’s Lane
Bike Week Calendar of Events
May 11 thru May 19, 2024

All Week

Free Bicycle Safety Checks
Come learn about the Bike Circus and what it means to be a member. Have your bike safety checked for free. Meet the Yard Dogz, our friendly crew of volunteers.

The Pushbike’s Companion
Want to be your bike’s best friend? Come learn about free bike maintenance and repair courses available at the Bike Circus. 

Saturday 11/05 @ 11:00 Hrs

Pre-Flight Your Children’s Bikes for Safety
Safety Maintenance.  Introduction to Vee Brakes. Brief instruction, then greasy hands play time for all participants.

Saturday 11/05 @ Noon

Group Cycle  – Family Adventure
We open Bike Week with a family-friendly picnic ramble along Clonakilty Bay, a migratory wildfowl sanctuary.   Suitable for all cyclists.  Seniors are invited to  join us aboard The Silver Bullet, Clon’s free trishaw.

Monday, 13/05 @  Noon
Eldercycle – Keep on Bikin’
Over 60 and want to return to cycling? Our resident octogenarian cyclist presents this program just for you. Explore the options for those who still hear the wild goose call.

Monday, 13/05 @ 14:00 Hrs.
Wind in Your Hair
Assistive Cycling:  Electric and specially constructed  tandems, bikes, & trikes to make cycling available for all. Silver Bullet spins around Clon all day. 

Tuesday, 14/05 @ 14:00 Hrs.
‘Thar Be Dragons!’ Ebikes For the Uninitiated. 
Ebikes have taken the world, the market is awash in choices.  Why are some so dear, others selling as Internet bargains? This is a chance to learn about eBikes free of sales pressure. There will be bikes to examine and discuss. We’ll tell all. 

Dogg Oscar Frame  Building

What is The Bike Circus?

The Bike Circus is voluntary organization, a tool-share devoted to everyday cycling.  We offer free training in bike maintenance & repair and a formal apprenticeship for those who want to dig a little deeper.  We fix bikes. We help people fix their own bikes.  We build custom bikes for special cyclists.  The Circus is open to all and promotes inclusion without regard to age, gender, or physical limitation.  We are entirely voluntary and private, receiving no regular funding from any agency or government.  All our personnel, ‘The Yard Dogz,’  are volunteers.

We are a spin-off of the Clonakilty Bike Festival and sponsored by Clonakilty Blackpudding. They have assisted us since the outset.  We thank them for their contribution.

Come visit us. You’re very welcome.
Keep on Bikin’!

Dublin Cycling Campaign events

Multiple events over Bike Week
Details at 


Cork Cycling Campaign

All info also available on:

Saturday May 11th, 10.00 – Coffee by Bike (starting in town, various coffee shops) 

Come with us on a tour of the city’s best independent coffee spots by bike, discover new routes and sample new blends in this easy going social cycle.

Gathering point – Michael Collins

Wednesday May 15th, 13.00 – 14.30 – Douglas Street / Business Event – Bike Douglas Street 

An event for businesses of Cork to discuss making their businesses and the city friendlier to cycling.

We will have bikes on hand for a guided cycle of the area as well as a sampling of treats from local businesses.

Gathering point – Parklet Douglas Street.

Wednesday May 15th, 14.30 – 16.30 – Cork through the Spokes 

In association with Cork Folklore Project.
Come to share your Oral History of Cycling in Cork in the past.
Do you remember the bike delivery boys, do you have a story about cycling down Patrick’s Hill?
We’d love to hear about that and anything else, come join us for a chat.
Location – North Cathedral Visitor Centre

Saturday May 18th, 14.00 – 15.00 – Kids Event (Fitzgerald’s Park) – Super Cycle on the Lee  
Come dressed as your favourite superhero and cycle a safe path on the riverside along with the best super tunes.
Gathering point – Fitzgerald’s Park Cafe

Sunday May 19th – Open for Cycling (Various Start points into City Centre) 
We lead cycles from key points of the city into the city centre which is Open for Cycling on this day.
Gathering points – Various leading to Patrick Street


DLR Bike Week:

All the dates and details are on this link.


Drogheda Cycling / County Louth

Cycle Sense / Skibbereen, County Cork

Here are details of 2 of our Bike Week events 

Leitrim Cycling Festival 

Leitrim Cycling Festival is a free, family-friendly festival held during Bike Week and will be hosted in Keshcarrigan from May 17-19.

Each year, the festival moves to a different town or village and is organised by a small group of volunteers in collaboration with each local community. 

The festival aims to celebrate cycling, communities and the beautiful county of Leitrim in Ireland’s hidden heartlands. Keshcarrigan is a small village in south Leitrim nestled between the hills of Sheebeg, the Ballinamore canal and the lakes of Keshcarrigan and Lough Scur.

This year’s programme includes many of the annual festival highlights including the community cycle and picnic, the launch lap, music, art workshops and of course the much-loved slow bicycle race. 

In addition, you will find many events unique to Keshcarrigan, such as the free boat tours of Lough Scur thanks to the Shannon Queen, Astrokids play time, a workshop with local author Maria Hoey, a heritage cycle and treasure hunt, and the Kiltubrid Pipe Band leading the launch lap.

This year’s festival is also during National Biodiversity Week, and thanks to funding from the Irish Environmental Network, the programme includes an event celebrating the cultural and social value of the hawthorn tree with the Leitrim Hawthorn Project.

To see the full programme check out 

Kerry Cycling Campaign

Nature Cycle: Tralee to Fenit Greenway


11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Come on a nature cycle along the Tralee to Fenit Greenway and meet some of the wild plants and habitats along the way.

Tar linn ar rothaíocht dhúlra ar Bhealach Glas Thrálí – Fhianait, ag buaileadh leis na plandaí ages ghnáthog fhiáin ar an slí.

Meeting Point: Greenway entrance – Opposite Tralee Train Station

Gorey, Co. Wexford. Gorey Pedestrian and Cycling Association & Wexford County Council

A fun morning with bike themed events in Gorey Town Park, including a short Family Slow Roll in Gorey town in association with Gorey Pedestrian and Cycle Association.  Slow bike race; prizes for best dressed bike; face painting ,bike themed prizes. Balance Bike Buddies will also be on hand to teach some basic cycling skills to younger children. 

Time:  11am to 1pm 

Date: Saturday, the 18th of May 

Location: Gorey Town Park and local streets of Gorey, Co. Wexford

Suitability: All.  Competent cyclists only on the Slow Roll as this takes place on the public streets.  Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times

For more information email [email protected] 


Join biodiversity expert Natasha Ariff and the Gorey Pedestrian and Cycling for a biodiversity bike ride and learn how we can protect nature in Gorey. The route will stop by several biodiversity sites in Gorey town where we will learn what we have around us, and how we can do so much more to protect our environment in Gorey.  Followed by complimentary refreshments at Gorey Town Park

Time:  11:00pm – 1:00pm

Date: Sunday the 19th of May

Location: Meet at the Heritage Orchard (Next to the Fire Station in Gorey)

Suitability: All fitness levels.  Everyone joining must have a roadworthy bicycle, a helmet, hi viz.  Limited spaces 

For more information:  To book your place get your ticket on:

Irish Cycling Campaign at ECF AGM 2024 – Report

Irish Cycling Campaign (formerly has been an active member of the European Cyclists’ Federation for many years – and really first going back to the mid-1990s when Dublin Cycling Campaign was the initial contact point with ECF before our own national body was formed. For the last 15 years (plus), we have attended the ECF AGM, and this year Damien Ó Tuama flew the ICC flag at the gathering. In this article, he shares some reflections on what was a fruitful and enjoyable trip. 

Back in Zagreb
It was great to be back in Zagreb, a city I first visited back in 2008 when on a camper-van adventure with a good friend and with two old single speed foldable bikes on board. Zagreb is a friendly city, and it’s an easy place to move about in on their distinctive blue trams and on foot. It’s also easy enough to bike around the city and I elaborate on this below. I was delighted to be in the Croatian capital again and this time reconnecting with my ECF colleagues, including those I worked with closely during my time on the ECF Board from 2016-2021.

The Formal AGM
The ECF AGM was held in the quite beautiful “Journalist Building” which is close enough to the centre of the city. The building was funded by the Croatian Journalists’ Association, one of the oldest professional associations in Croatia (established in 1910), and it is still owned by it. It’s the meeting point for Croatian journalists and media workers, but also a venue for different cultural, literary, scientific and artistic events. It was a perfect size for our posse of around 60 participants, with a lovely view from the curved balcony as shown here. 

The formal part of the AGM took place over two days – a full day’s business on the Friday and a further half day of debate and discussions on the Saturday morning.

ECF AGM delegates plus ECF staff – Photo kindly provided by ECF

The CEO of ECF is Jill Warren (@JillWarrenECF), and she has been at the helm of the organisation since 2020. Jill gave a great overview of what has been another effective year of advocacy work for ECF. Probably the highlight of the last year came in the last few months when the European Council, Commission and Parliament signed the European Declaration on Cycling, marking the official adoption of the first inter-institutional cycling policy at the European level. Amongst other benefits, this Declaration can be referred to by national organisations all around Europe as it shows the direction that transport policy needs to take over the coming years. Another work area that Jill highlighted were the significant lobbying efforts made to reshape the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive which now sets, for the very first time, European minimum bicycle parking norms for virtually all types of buildings, both residential as well as non-residential – see here. Huge credit is due to all of the staff here, but particularly Fabian Küster who has been working on this topic for well over 5 years.   

Overall, ECF is in good shape, with a wide portfolio of funding sources underpinning its day-to-day functioning and enabling it to employ 20+ super committed and knowledgeable staff members.

Some of Jill’s highlights of ECF’s work in 2023-2024 

Elections for the board took place on Day #2 after the candidates had introduced themselves on Day #1. There was a very healthy interest in the process with a total of 16 candidates applying in February for four available board positions. I was part of a three person Nominations Committee, along with (current board member) Camille Thomé and (former board member) Raluca Fiser, that had the job of encouraging potential candidates to apply, analysing applications, interviewing candidates and producing a short-list of recommended candidates for the election itself – not an easy job with so many good applicants vying to be on the ECF Board! 

Electronic voting underway in the ECF Board Elections

In the end, Henk Swarttouw (@copenhenken) from The Netherlands was re-elected as President of the Board (the only applicant for this position), with Sidsel Burk Hjuler (Denmark) and Graham Waston (UK) both re-elected for a second three year term, and with the final vacant position going to Siliva Casorran from Barcelona. They join the four existing board members Francesco Baroncini (Italy), Camille Thomé (France), Jan Vermeulen (Belgium) and Angela Francke (Germany). All in all, it’s a strong board with a decent gender mix and a reasonably good geographical representation, although it is missing someone from the eastern part of the Continent.

L-R: Tena Šarić Rukavina and Ema Tarabochia Veršić from Sindkat Biciklista

There was plenty of good debates at the AGM, particularly in regard to the mid-term review of the ECF Strategy and in response to the panel discussion on “How to make cycling an election issue?” In that session, ECF moderated a discussion with members on the strategies, tactics and messages needed to make cycling a relevant issue during election season, and how election campaigns focused on cycling can reach political incumbents and candidates from across the political spectrum. It was nicely moderated by Philip Amaral (@AmaralPhilip), ECF’s Director of Policy and Development, who is also ECF’s contact point for the European elections. These discussions will feed into Irish Cycling Campaign’s own plans ahead of the Local and European elections – see  

Philip Amaral, ECF’s Director of Policy and Development

Some conclusions from the Croatian cycle campaigners on how to make cycling an election issue

Jens Peter Hansen (Danish Cyclists’ Federation) spoke on his work of quantifying motor vehicles’ close passing of him on Danish roads. 

Getting About in Zagreb / Cycling Trips
All of the AGM delegates has access to Zagreb’s Nextbike bike sharing scheme for the duration of the AGM and over the weekend, but I also took the tram quite a bit as it was super easy and convenient. Just 53c for a ticket if bought in advance (or 80c if bought from the tram driver). The trams themselves span a mixture of older ones going back to the 1950s (the ones common to much of Eastern and Central European cities – as shown below) to much bigger and slicker brand new ones (shown further below).

Hats off to local ECF Member group and the AGM hosts, Sindikat Biciklista (@cyklofil), for organising a really entertaining and informative city bike ride for all of the ECF participants! We started and finished at the Croatian National Theatre and got a great insight into the city’s history and culture – and its topography!

Shared running of trams and bikes in the centre of Zagreb

ECF on tour in the old town!

Janko and Zvoni from Sindikat Biciclista, the Croatian Cycling Campaign

A sculpture by Ivan Meštrović showing Nikola Tesla, one of the most famous sons of Croatia (or of the Austrian Empire as it was then) 

Sindikat Biciklista also organised a special cycle trip on the Sunday morning, where we explored the southern part of the city including the extensive sports campus in which cars are being systematically removed so as to reduce road dangers and encourage more walking and cycling. 

The Sunday morning cycle crew. Back row, L-R: Stefan (Montenegro), Hugo (Switzerland), Damien (Ireland), Sladjana (Montenegro / Norway), Blazo (Montenegro), Igor (Bosnia & Herzegovina), Dejan (Montenegro), Dragan (Bosnia & Herzegovina); Front row, L-R: Silvia (Spain), Marko (Serbia), Robert (Croatia) – Photo kindly provided by Dragan!

One of Zagreb’s self-service egg vending machines

In terms of the quality of the cycling infrastructure in the city, it’s fair to say that it’s a real mixed bag. There are many cycle tracks positioned directly alongside footpaths on the main avenues, and people on bikes lose priority on a regular basis at side roads. There are also plenty of examples of ridiculously narrow cycle lanes – narrower than the width of one’s shoulders – which are squeezed in by removing space for pedestrians, while the main carriageways remain dominated by often multi-lane fast moving cars (as shown below). That said there are plenty of quieter streets where cycling is the perfect way to get about – particularly in the old town. 

Both parked and fast moving cars dominate much of Zagreb’s public space – with super narrow cycle tracks squeezed in here and there

Social Events
As important for catching up properly with colleagues from other ECF member groups are the social events organised as part of the AGM. We were very impressed to have the official ECF AGM 2024 dinner taking place at Dverce Palace, at the invitation of the City of Zagreb, with a welcome address by Mayor Mr. Tomislav Tomašević (shown below). 

L-R: Jill Warren (ECF CEO), Henk Swarttouw (ECF President), Mr. Tomislav Tomašević (Major of Zagreb), Janko Večerina (President of Sindikat Biciclista, the Croatian Cycling Campaign) and the staff of the Mayor 

The rest of the ECF AGM delegates!

And following the grandeur of the Mayor’s palace, we meandered down a narrow lane and slipped into a slightly hidden and much more informal jazz bar with a fine beer garden out the back for further catch-ups with colleagues.    

In Summary
As always, when meeting up with the ECF gang, it’s a lovely friendly affair. One is reconnecting with friends and colleagues, all of whom are campaigning hard in their own countries – and/or at an European level – to improve conditions for cycling and to make places more liveable. I’m particularly grateful to the hosts from Sindikat Biciklista (pictured below), who ran a brilliantly organised and most enjoyable AGM. They brought us to some fine formal venues, but also some very decent bars for music and chat – it’s so good to have that expert local knowledge guiding us in the host city! Hats off to Janko and his team for a fine job.

Personally, it was also great spending time with cycling campaigners from the Balkans – not only from Croatia, but also from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia (with their new e-biking organisation) — and getting a sense of how they are campaigning in their cities and towns. My most memorable conversations though were with the cycling advocates from TUBIDEF in Turkey. Of their group, Serafettin is from the city of Antakya, which was pretty much completely flattened in the earthquake of early 2023 – see here – including his entire district and apartment buildings which he showed me in recently captured videos of his area. It was quite unfathomable how obliterated his city was, and the massive death toll experienced there. My heart goes out to him and his people as they embark on a long journey of dealing with so much grief and rebuilding the city.

As always, it was a rich and enjoyable experience attending the ECF AGM and spending time with other campaigners who are properly clued into what is happening in their local and national political contexts, and who enjoy a chat and a beer. The next AGM of ECF will take place in Brussels in 2025 and, all going well, we will have a mini-delegation from Irish Cycling Campaign attending, including some new faces on our side.  

See also:

Biodiversity Week Cycles

National Biodiversity Week 2024 runs over 10 days from Fri 17 to Sunday 26 May. It is organised by the Irish Environmental Network (IEN), with funding provided to them by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS). 

The week is all about connecting people with nature and communicating the importance of biodiversity and the need to protect it. It’s also about entertainment and socialising though, and Irish Cycling Campaign is busy planning ‘Bikes and Biodiversity’ events in many parts of the country through our local groups. We acknowledge here the kind support of IEN (which we became a member of in late 2023) in enabling us to run these events.    

You can see the full list of events here:

Local Group leading the EventBikes & Biodiversity EventWebsite / Webpage with more info on the event
Clonakilty Bicycle FestivalClonakilty Bicycle Festival hosted River Cycle in collaboration with Clochán Uisce (local rivers group), a cycle to explore the biodiversity in our local riversand check its health including kick sampling and water testing as part of the EU drinkable rivers program, Family friendly. Sunday 19th May at 3pm.
Clonakilty Bicycle FestivalClonakilty Bicycle Festival hosted Bird Watch estuary Sunset cycle cycle from clinical town to the Inchydoney estuary identifying local bird species, run in collaboration with Bird Watch Ireland. Sat 18th May (time TBC – tidal related).
Clonakilty Bicycle FestivalClonakilty Bicycle Festival hosted Stop, Look, Listen Biodiversity cycle. Cycle a lap of the town to the biodiversity garden at Bennetts Field, and listen to three pieces of music on the theme of nature and biodiversity. Sunday 19th May, 10.30am.
Cloughjordan CyclingCloughjordan Cycling hosted `NatureCycles` – a guided looped cycle to natural heritage locations in the wider Cloughjordan area where the guide will inform about each locations nature value. The cycle will include a visit to a small family run organic farm to learn more about their diverse agri-ecosystem. Sunday 19th May.Details to be added to soon
Cork Cycling CampaignCork Cycling Campaign hosted ‘Bike-o-diversity Celebrates Biodiversity’ cycle tour of Cork City. Sun 26 May.
Dublin Cycling CampaignDublin Cycling Campaign hosted Dublin Community Garden Cycle with a Biodiversity theme. Sat 18 May.
Gorey Pedestrian and Cycling AssociationGorey Pedestrian & Cycling Association hosted Biodiversity Bike Ride. “Instead of Nature walks, come for a Nature cycle (or ride). The cycle route will stop by several biodiversity areas in Gorey. Learn what we have and how we can do so much more to protect the nature in Gorey.
Kerry Cycling CampaignKerry Cycling Campaign hosted Nature Cycle along the Tralee to Fenit Greenway and meet some of the wild plants and habitats along the way. Tar linn arrothaíocht dhúlra ar Bhealach Glas Thrálí – Fhianait, ag buaileadh leis na plandaí ages ghnáthog fhiáin ar an slí. Led by Niamh Ní Dhúill (Natural Wild Gardens) and Cathy Eastman.
Leitrim Cycling FestivalHosted by Leitrim Cycling Festival with the Leitrim Hawthorn Project. As part of the Leitrim Cycling Festival (this year in Keshcarrigan), the event will celebrate the natural and cultural heritage of the Hawthorn tree through music, dance, storytelling and sharing the folklore and medicinal properties of the tree and discovering its key role in supporting biodiversity. Facilitated by Tara Boath Mooney, artist, singer, facilitator who has helped lead the community heritage project and its research into the Hawthorn traditions throughout Leitrim.
Naas Cycling CampaignNaas Cycling Campaign / Naas Biodiversity Group hosted event. Explore nature-friendly projects completed by the Naas Biodiversity Group in recent years. For example, our Pocket Forests, rainwater planters, plus hedgerows that have been newly planted or rejuvenated through hedge laying. Meet like-minded people and learn practical tips to protect nature in your local area! The event is children-friendly (and for people who are not super confident cycling!), as we’ll be cycling slowly and over a relatively short route.

When: Friday 17th May at 7-9pm

Where: Meeting at the Naas Lakes, Naas, Co. Kildare. We will cycle together to K Leisure, stopping along the way to discuss different projects.

No registration necessary, just turn up on the way! If you need a bike or have any questions, contact the Naas Biodiversity Group on [email protected] or 0894147367.
Sligo Cycling CampaignSligo Cycling Campaign hosted ‘After work Biodiversity Cycle to Strandhill and Culleenamore Sand Dunes’ to study Coastal Biodiversity Picnic with supper included as participants will miss an evening meal at home. Guided by an Ecologist from Woodrow. Thu 23rd May 2024, 5.30pm to 9pm.
WexBUGWexford Bicycle User Group hosted Biodiversity Cycle to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve / Wexford Slobs with a guide from NPWS / Wexford Naturalist Field Club.

See for the full list of Biodiversity Week events as being collated by Irish Environmental Network.

Oulu by Bike

Adam D’Arcy from Cork Cycling Campaign is just back from Oulu in Finland and he has kindly sent Irish Cycling Campaign a little report on his cycling experiences in, arguably, the leading city in the world for winter cycling. Many thanks Adam!  

This April (2024), I got to spend a week in Oulu, Finland as part of an Erasmus exchange with Oulu University. It is roughly the same size as Cork city in population but feels quite different in character.

The city grew in the 1960s when new industries expanded attracting workers from rural areas. The original street grid pattern was more intensely occupied, but new suburbs emerged with a mix of apartment blocks and single family homes nestled between the pine trees in a sort of park-like landscape.

The default wide paths are shared between walkers and cyclists, but they also have a network of two-way cycle routes (Baana) which provide a way to cycle almost anywhere with minimal interaction with cars. This enables school kids, students, workers or leisure cyclists to soak in some nature as they get around. Cars must yield to cyclists where these Baana cross the roads and, incredibly, the cars do stop!

By the use of underpasses they avoid busy roads, while the islands of the bay are linked by bridges providing nice views of the water framed by trees. 

They style themselves as a leader in Winter Cycling and even in a good bit of snow, there were plenty of cyclists around. Most cyclists have summer tyres, but also winter tyres which have little metal studs and are essential in snow, thus enabling year round cycling. 

With the help of Damien Ó Tuama and our friends in the European Cyclists’ Federation, I got in touch with the local branch of the Finnish Cyclists’ Federation – Oulun Polkupyöräilijät (try saying that after a few beers!) – and their Chairperson, Anni, kindly lent me a bike for the week for my daily commute to the university and other excursions. As it happened, they had a meeting lined up while I was there so I went along and met them for a pint and a chat.

They face similar issues to ourselves, cycle path maintenance, interaction with pedestrians etc., but all in all, they are streets ahead of us when it comes to daily cycling – about 20% of trips are done by bike and they want to do even more. Well worth a visit if you get half a chance.

For more information on Oulu, see:

If you are abroad over the coming months and end up in a place which has a strong cycling culture or in a city/country which is making special efforts to grow cycling – and you fancy penning a few words on your trip – we would love to hear from you! Just drop our National Cycling Coordinator a line here

Dutch Cycling Embassy in Ireland

Irish Cycling Campaign was delighted to be invited to the Dutch Cycling Trade Mission to Ireland networking event last week (on Wed 10 April 2024). 

The “B2B” (Business-to-Business) Marketplace Networking event was held in the offices of the Dublin Chamber of Commence. Dr. Damien Ó Tuama (National Cycling Coordinator with Irish Cycling Campaign and An Taisce), and Siobhán McNamara (from the Dublin Cycling Campaign Local Group of ICC) attended, representing everyday bicycle users and advocates on the ground.  

The aim of the mission was to deepen ties between the two countries in terms of achieving greater levels of sustainability – and building connections and potential collaborations between organisations from both countries. 

In a nicely crafted event format, the Ireland based invitees in the audience introduced themselves and their organisations, and this was followed by rapid-fire one-minute long presentations from each of the 16 Dutch companies on the Dutch Cycling Embassy trade mission. They each gave a brief insight into their expertises in different aspects of cycling policy and design. After the event, the Dutch delegation traveled to Cork where they did a similar networking event, and met the main players in the transport space.

From Irish Cycling Campaign’s perspective, we are very happy to see Dutch engineering, planning and mobility focused companies arriving in Ireland to seek out new business opportunities and to bring their cycling expertise here. With a significant slice of the transport budget now being spent on active travel, we have a great opportunity to draw on some of the best practice ideas in urban design, cycling route design, bicycle parking and the integration of public transport and bikes – and learn from the Dutch. Ultimately, we want to arrive at a situation where everyone in Ireland “has a real choice to cycle and is encouraged to experience the joy, convenience, health and environmental benefits of cycling” as per Irish Cycling Campaign’s vision.  

Presenting as shown in the photos above are (from top to bottom):

  • Sander van de Vecht (
  • Angela van der Kloof (Mobycon)
  • Caglar Yuksel (Fietbass) 

Bikes go Free on (some) Buses

In a groundbreaking move last week, Bus Éireann has championed accessibility and sustainable travel by waiving the €10 fee previously required for the onboard inclusion of bicycles, extra luggage, and prams across its urban and regional services. 

This welcome change, effective immediately on all Public Service Obligation (PSO) routes, marks a significant shift away from the previous policy, which often saw the cost of transporting a bicycle eclipsing the price of the journey itself.

While the removal of this fee heralds a more inclusive approach to travel, accommodating the needs of cyclists, families, and heavy packers alike, Bus Éireann has noted that the availability of space remains a determining factor in the acceptance of bicycles, prams, and pushchairs on board. 

It’s important to note, however, that the fee discontinuation does not extend to Expressway services, where standard charges will persist.

Neasa Bheilbigh, Chairperson of the Executive Committee of The Irish Cycling Campaign said “This is a small but positive step in the right direction, providing more sustainable journeys combining bus and bicycle. We will continue to push to abolish fees for carrying bicycles, on all routes and by all bus operators”

The Irish Cycling Campaign regularly meets with officials from the Department of Transport – and with the main transport agencies with a role in developing cycling policies and legislation – so as to advocate for improved outcomes for people with bicycles and this is one of the issues we raised in a recent meeting.  Do please help us to maintain a strong voice and champion all aspects of cycling by making a donation or becoming a member. See  

Try it

We’re interested to hear your experiences bringing your bicycle on a bus. Post a photo and tag us!

Links to social media here:
Twitter / X

RSA Review 2024 – Irish Cycling Campaign Submission      

Earlier today (Fri 05 April 2024), Irish Cycling Campaign made a submission in response to the Department of Transport’s consultation on the Review of the Road Safety Authority. You can read a copy of it below.

We wish to thank all of our fabulous volunteers who contributed to this submission. We sincerely hope that it helps to reshape the institutional context which has a huge bearing on the real and perceived safety of those who travel on foot, by bike and indeed by any other mode of transport.


We in the Irish Cycling Campaign are a network of knowledgeable and passionate cycling advocates from across urban and rural Ireland. We are the member for Ireland of the European Cyclists’ Federation ( and also a member of the Irish Environmental Network (  

We know that cycling is part of the solution to many of society’s problems, from health to the environment to the economy. We have a vision for Ireland where everyone has the opportunity to cycle safely to the shops, to school, to workplaces regardless of their age or ability. Our expertise in research, policy, transport planning, infrastructure design, event management and behaviour change means we are the trusted voice on everyday cycling in Ireland. 

The Department of Transport (‘the Department’) is currently undertaking a review of Ireland’s Road Safety Authority (RSA) via an independent third party, Indecon International Consultants. We set out our views below in the form of responses to the seven online questions posed by the Department on the downloadable public survey.

Executive Summary

We welcome the opportunity to make this submission. In short, we have serious concerns about the performance of the RSA:

  1. Institutional and financial adherence to car dominance
  2. Cultural blindness to the needs of vulnerable road users
  3. Failure to advocate for better road designs and effective enforcement
  4. Silence on the rapid growth of ever larger and more dangerous private motor vehicles (SUVs)

Views on Services Provided by the RSA

Q 1.  The RSA currently provide a range of services and functions, including Driver Testing and Licencing, NCT and CVRT Vehicle Testing, road safety advice, road safety promotional and media campaigns, and road safety education programmes, as well as working with other stakeholders to enhance road safety enforcement and inputs to road safety legislation. What do you believe to be the most important of these services and functions? And are there any other services or functions which the RSA should be undertaking that they are not undertaking currently?

We believe that any authority concerned with road safety in Ireland must carry out all those functions. However, the current dominance by private car use (whether EV or ICE) leads to poorer safety outcomes, compared to a holistic approach to road use (and transport generally) that tackles car dominance and unrestrained driving. 

We see a crying need to shift Ireland’s road use and culture to one that is both safe and healthy, and one that prioritises vulnerable road users (as required by the Department’s own guidance and investment frameworks). Thus the education, promotional and legislative functions must take priority. We believe any effective road safety authority will also have an active role in enforcement of traffic legislation, and in advocacy for better roads, cycleways and walkways.

Implementing road safety measures can be unpopular and is often faced with local and political opposition, especially when it involves prioritising road users who are not driving. It should be a core function of the Road Safety Authority (RSA) to dispel misinformation and clearly educate the public in relation to the importance and benefits of reduced speed limits and the infrastructure that improves road safety.


High quality research and data is needed to lead road safety interventions. The RSA should be bringing together multidisciplinary research teams in universities to carry out comprehensive research and data analysis. Such teams would include behavioural scientists, experts in public health and epidemiology, statisticians and engineers. 

The absence of any road traffic collision data made publicly available for researchers and public engagement, is a major deficiency in one of the core roles of the RSA.

By contrast, such data is not only available in the UK in machine-readable format amenable for analysis, but is also collated and presented for better public information with dashboards and interactive maps. See for example the following: 

Road accidents and safety statistics – GOV.UK


Reported road casualty statistics in Great Britain: interactive dashboard, from 2018

Arguments about GDPR preventing the release of these data in Ireland do not appear to hold much water, since other European jurisdictions are subject to the same regulations.

We note that a road traffic collision map was previously available on the RSA website, covering collisions until 2016. Although limited in its function, it had a role in road safety audits and could be used for simple research, public information and advocacy purposes. This map was removed in late 2020, and on November 30th 2020, the following statement appeared on the RSA’s website:

“Access to road safety data”

We are in the process of reviewing our road traffic collision (RTC) data sharing policies and procedures. Record-level RTC data can’t be shared until this review is complete.”

(Source here)

After more than 3 years, there appears to have been no visible progress on this issue. This is an obvious concern for all stakeholders. The impression given (whether true or not) is that this is not a priority for the RSA, or that there is something to conceal in these data. We would strongly argue that the RSA follows the example from other states in making the data available and useable.

Q 2.  Do you have any other views on the focus and balance of the Road Safety Authority’s functions, between the driver and vehicles testing and licensing services it delivers to the public, on the one hand, and the road safety policy, promotion, education, and research functions it undertakes, on the other? (See: Role of the RSA)

Decoupling of Services:

We propose a re-evaluation of the RSA’s structure to potentially decouple those two roles. Whether intentional or not, the RSA’s approach to road safety is extremely motor-centric. We expand on this below.

Culture and norms around driving instruction and testing

Respect for people cycling and understanding of cyclist behaviour needs to be prioritised in the driver training curriculum. We are concerned that some Driving Instructors have difficulty observing rules that are there to protect people walking and cycling, such as parking in cycle lanes and footpaths, even when engaged in training novice drivers.

There seems to be no understanding, for example, of the role played by bike-boxes with their advanced stop-lines among the ADIs. Drivers regularly invade these safety features, so it is clear that their importance is not covered by instructors or testers.

The test must be reformed so that there is a vulnerable road user category added with mandatory questions posed in the on-line assessment; in addition, we would urge that a mandatory requirement be introduced into the training and testing of professional drivers that involves safe interaction with bike users, where the novice or a driver undergoing annual CPC assessment must ride a bicycle in traffic in an urban area to have experiential awareness of extreme vulnerability.

The medical fitness to drive assessment requires reform 

GPs need to carry out a thorough investigation beyond focusing on blood pressure and eyesight. The exam should include checking peripheral vision or ability to rotate the head in a horizontal plane. This latter function is of critical importance in keeping bike users safe on our roads – drivers are failing to turn their heads in order to look properly so it is our view that many may not actually do this due to age related cervical vertebra mobility issues.

Taxi drivers must be subject to mandatory CPC 

The exclusion of taxi drivers from mandatory CPC assessment is unacceptable. They drive as a profession and therefore must be treated as a professional driver. Sharing bus lanes with bike users carries additional responsibility and awareness. 

Views on the approach to funding of the RSA

Q 3.  The RSA’s functions and operations are mostly self-funded, from the fees it charges for the provision of services, including driver licensing and testing, and passenger and commercial vehicle roadworthiness testing services (the NCT and Commercial Vehicle Roadworthiness Testing), with little direct Exchequer/public funding received. What are your views on this self-funding model rather than an exchequer funded model or a mixed funding model?

The Irish Cycling Campaign fundamentally opposes the current self-funding model of the RSA, which relies heavily on the growth of private car ownership and use. This model creates a conflict of interest, as the RSA’s financial well-being is directly tied to the proliferation of vehicles and increased vehicle-kilometres travelled (VKT) on our roads. We strongly advocate for an exchequer-funded model to ensure the RSA’s independence and ability to take necessary actions to enhance road safety for all users.

It is deeply inappropriate for the RSA to use motor industry sponsors in road safety campaigns.

Views on the future of the RSA

Q 4.  Do you have any views on the future role of the Road Safety Authority?

We have set out our views on future funding models, and on the cultural norms of the Authority. We would submit that there are other changes that would potentially be useful and effective.

Different indicators of success

The current mission of the RSA is “to save lives and prevent injuries by reducing the number and severity of collisions on the road.”

The statistics on death and injury should not be the only indicator of how safe our roads are. Another important key performance indicator which should be applied is the number of people walking and cycling on our roads. The number of children walking and cycling to school has plummeted in the past 30 years as the number of car journeys has soared. Parents no longer feel safe letting their children commute by bike or even playing outside in many places.

Counting not just victims by mode of transport but the perpetrators of road violence: 

Since the primary hazardous exposure on roads and streets in Ireland is driving, reducing the total number of kilometres driven nationally by enabling more walking, cycling or public transport journeys will itself make roads safer.  

As an example of the dominance of RSA’s culture by car use, a simple search of one particular social media channel shows the @RSAIreland account only replying to queries and comments regarding driver licensing: 

This has the effect of signalling to the public that the RSA only engages or values input from such “paying users” of its services.

Future Board Make-up / Expertise

In the make-up of the RSA board, we see a need for much wider ranges of expertise than are currently represented.

Such expertise might include, for example, vulnerable road user requirements, public health, health effects of sedentary lifestyles, of climate change, or of air/ noise pollution, and hazard and risk assessment in road use. There also appears to be an absence of non-drivers on the board. It is essential that road safety is approached representing the experience of people who do not use a car.

We are unaware of specialist sub-committees of the board, who may have expertise in the various relevant fields (e.g. public health, air pollution, social change). We would urge consideration of the establishment of such sub-committees, which might provide useful input to Board decision-making.

Q 5.  Do you think there are any functions currently undertaken by the RSA that would be better delivered by another body/agency or any functions completed by others that would be better undertaken by the RSA?

Road Safety Commissioner 

As outlined in Q.2 above, the two main functions of the RSA conflict with each other, and there is a strong argument for separating them. The appointment of a suitably empowered and resourced Road Safety Commissioner, working either in parallel or as an overarching authority above the RSA, should be considered. Such a Commissioner would take a broader view of road safety, particularly drawing out the implications of the existing Road Safety Strategy Safe System Priority Area Six, which 

‘…involves promoting these safer modes, such as public bus and train, and providing safer environments for healthier modes, such as walking and cycling.’

Strong advocacy for reduction in car use across society is the ultimate outcome of this Priority Area. Switching travel mode from private car to public and active travel is the ultimate road safety tactic, and should be a central task of any authority concerned with road safety. 

Engagement with the RSA

Q6.  Please indicate any involvement you may have with the work of the organisation and your views on their road safety information campaigns, education work or other services.

The Irish Cycling Campaign meets regularly with RSA officials to advocate for safer cycling and measures to control poor driver behaviour. Under its former name,, and under sub-groups such as Dublin Cycling Campaign, the organisation has engaged with RSA since its inception.

Hierarchy of Controls

The Vision Zero approach refers to a hierarchy of controls. The Authority have noted in their own document “Guidelines for Improving Road Safety Around Your School” (2021), that personal protective equipment (hi-vis) is the last level of control (p15, Fig 3). 

The RSA should allocate funding to all levels in the hierarchy, with proportionally more to earlier levels – i.e. Elimination, Substitution. This is not to say that no funds should be allocated for hi-vis, but that funds for hi-vis should be lower than all other measures. Currently huge emphasis is placed on the wearing of hi-vis clothing. The emphasis on hi-vis has also meant that the message that it is a legal requirement to have bike lights in hours of darkness has been lost, with many people now cycling with hi-vis vests, but without lights.

Road Safety and Children

We urge the organisation to shift its focus away from victim-blaming campaigns centred on the wearing of high-visibility clothing. Is it an appropriate use of resources to be distributing 40,000 hi-vis vests to pre-school and school children annually, while there is little intervention to deal with driver behaviour around schools, sports grounds and playgrounds? It is an erroneous message to give children the impression that hi-vis will protect them. The responsibility for road safety lies with adults driving ever large motor vehicles recklessly and flouting road traffic laws – and not with small children.

Children lack the capacity to be responsible for road safety and must absolutely not be held accountable or held to blame. Children have the right to play, they have the right to be safe outside. Our car culture has negated this right. Driving is a privilege and it is viewed in Irish society as an entitlement. Driving has removed safe places for children to play outside. 

The RSA education programme to primary school students is actively disempowering in that it creates a sense of danger around walking and cycling outdoors. It perpetuates the removal of this freedom. The driver is 100% responsible for a child’s safety. These RSA primary school campaigns are public health campaigns around a group of people who do not drive. In short, the RSA is failing children.

Much of the “Guidelines for Improving Road Safety Around Your School” document is commendable, as it follows the Hierarchy of Controls, but it places the onus on already overburdened school management to create and implement a road safety plan. 

Most schools do not have the capacity to implement and sustain such a plan and certainly do not have the power or authority to enforce the main elements that would actually have an impact on road safety around schools. 

We need to see a move away from spending on PPE and hi-vis for small children and, instead, see a reprioritisation of the education message in primary schools from children to parents and other drivers.

We would recommend education nights by RSA educators and partners (AGS, etc) delivered to parents facilitated by school management and parents associations. 

Additionally the RSA need to measure modal shift to walking, wheeling and cycling as one of their metrics to measure a successful safe school environment. 

30kph Campaign

While we commend the RSA for its recent positive 30kph speed limit campaign (along with the campaign to urge drivers to allow sufficient space when overtaking people on bicycles), the Authority has failed to persuade An Garda Síochána to enforce 30kph limits. Furthermore, it is vital that traffic calming infrastructure is rolled-out quickly to ensure average traffic speeds are compliant with the posted speed limit. This involves engaging proactively with each of our 31 Local Authorities. 

Where traffic calming is ineffective or absent, there must be active enforcement. Without enforcement, people do not observe these limits as outlined in the RSA’s own Free Speed Survey 2018, which show that 98% of drivers speeding on urban national roads with 30kph limits, and 70% of drivers speeding in residential 30kph streets – (Appendix I, page 11, of FREE SPEED STUDY Survey Report 2018 | RSA

We also note that the Free Speed Survey in 2021 does not contain data on 30kph zones – Free Speed Survey 2021 | RSA.

It is critical that the RSA continue to gather data on compliance in 30kph areas, call for enforcement in 30kph zones, and advocate the use of static speed cameras where AGS or Go Safe vans cannot provide enforcement.

A 2022 AECOM/ TII report pointed out the higher GHG emissions from ICE cars travelling at less than their optimally efficient speeds of 50 – 90 kpm. But it is important that, in urban and built-up areas, road safety is prioritised over minor possible savings in fuel efficiency. We would support the report’s recommendation for there to be a focus on the reduction of congestion in urban areas, and we maintain that this is best achieved through the allocation of road space to public transport and active travel. This would also improve road safety, if accompanied by measures to improve pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. 

The apparent absence of the RSA in policy discussions about speed limits on the national road network means that economic and GHG mitigation considerations have, in some cases, trumped the most obvious road safety benefits of reducing traffic speeds – and we are thinking here in particular of cases where schools are located right next to N-roads.

Call for effective and widespread enforcement in regard to conditions for people on foot / on bike

There needs to be an education and enforcement campaign with regard to motor vehicles parking on footpaths and cycle-lanes / cycle-tracks. This behaviour has become habitual, especially in residential areas. It creates hazards for vulnerable road users, especially those walking and cycling with children, elderly people and those with vision or mobility impairments.

Schools around the country have tried to educate and inform parents around illegal parking but to no avail. Safe Routes to school is progressing far too slowly to have the required impact on driver behaviour. In the interim, we need enforcement and RSA has not effectively advocated or demanded it.

Supporting implementation of road safety interventions: Advocate for infrastructure:

For many years the RSA have shown their support for investment in motorways and road upgrades to improve road safety outcomes. The RSA’s voice has been and is generally completely absent in educating the public on the positive road safety impacts arising from the reallocation of road space to modes other than private motor vehicles. This would include traffic calming measures such as junction redesign, road narrowing, and infrastructure to create a safe environment for people walking and cycling, segregated cycle paths, continuous raised footpaths across junctions and pedestrian and zebra crossings.

Providing public transport alternatives to driving also reduces the risk of people opting to drink/drug drive.

False equivalence 

The RSA must improve the language they use around people walking and cycling. The “Be Safe, Be seen” messaging is jarring, especially when so many collisions are due to drivers’ failing to observe. People cycling have a legal requirement to have front and rear lights in hours of darkness. People are clearly visible in daylight hours but they cannot make themselves seen by drivers who are distracted or failing to observe.

People cycling do not pose the same risk as people driving cars. The weight and speed of a motor vehicle means the driver bears far more responsibility when sharing the road with others. 

Sports Utility Vehicles / SUVs

The striking difference in the mass, momentum and kinetic energy of motor vehicles versus people on (10-20kg) bicycles, is accentuated further by the disturbing growth of ever larger Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) on our roads and streets. According to a recently published research paper: 

New cars in Europe are getting 1 cm wider every two years, on average. That’s according to research by Transport & Environment (T&E) which says the trend will continue due to the rising sales of SUVs – unless lawmakers take action. Around half of new cars sold are already too wide for the minimum on-street parking space in many countries. 

The RSA has been silent on the frightening phenomenon whereby almost two out of every three cars sold in Ireland are of SUV body types ( The trend towards wider vehicles is reducing the road space available for other vehicles and people on bikes (as shown in the image below), while parked cars are further encroaching on footpaths. The wider designs have also enabled the height of vehicles to be further raised, despite crash data showing that a 10 cm increase in the height of vehicle fronts carries a 30% higher risk of fatalities in collisions with pedestrians and cyclists. 

Figure from the Transport and Environment report, link above. 

From an emissions perspective, Prof Brian Caulfield, regarded as one of the leading authorities in transport emissions in Ireland, and someone who has conducted extensive research on decarbonising transport, said SUVs need phasing out ( – but from a road danger perspective, SUVs are contributing to a more hostile and hazardous road and street environment for everyone else in their vicinity. 

The RSA, or a replacement road safety organisation, needs to engage with the latest research on this topic, step up and advocate strongly on this topic.   

Other Comments

Q7.  Finally, please provide any other comments which you feel may be of relevance to this review of the RSA.

In summary, we need an expedited, national motor traffic reduction plan and a paradigm shift in how we think about road danger. We need to stop diverting ourselves from the real issue – which is the physical presence, destructive and violent potential of ever larger forms of private individualised mobility.

We again thank the Department and Indecon for their attention to our submission.