Category Archives: International Posts

Outside EU / UK / US

European Commission Road Safety Workshop

Participants were asked to answer three questions proposed by
the Commission, on 27th November 2015.

The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) asked its member organisations to respond. is the member for Ireland of the ECF. Our views are represented in this submission to the EU Commission.

  1. What further commitments/initiatives can your organisation make to contribute to the reduction of serious road traffic crashes?
  2. How could your organisation contribute to further raise awareness of local authorities about required action for urban road safety?
  3. How can the Commission support such efforts?

Some responses

Lessons from the ‘Velo-city’ International Cycling Planning Conference

Four members of attended the fabulous Velo-city conference in Nantes in June. At a joint Dublin Cycling Campaign – organised public meeting on Monday 10th August @ 8pm, the Irish attendees of the conference will disseminate the best ideas they encountered. Should be a great evening! All welcome. Further details

See also letter in the Irish Times

Cyclists in Paris can now legally ride through some red traffic lights in the city

A pilot scheme launched by the City of Paris in 2012 had revealed that allowing cyclists to treat red lights as yield signs would ease bike traffic in the city, would not lead to more road accidents, and could even prevent the accidents that sometimes arise due to cyclists in drivers’ blind spots.

A new policy permitting cyclists to ride through red lights under certain conditions will therefore be rolled out between July and the end of September. New signs will indicate when bikes can either turn right or go straight ahead, even when the lights for cars are on red.  In all cases, cyclists will still need to yield to pedestrians and any other vehicles that have the right of way.

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EU Roadmap for Cycling

A High-level Think Tank meeting on an EU Roadmap for Cycling earlier this week brought together stakeholders to devise, debate and define measures to meet cross-sectoral EU policy targets
through increased cycling.

The meeting was organised by the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) to further the goals also of
Cycling Forum Europe, launched in November 2014 in conjunction with several members of the European Parliament (most notably Michael Cramer MEP, chair of the TRAN Committee).

EU Roadmap for Cycling.

When A Neighborhood Decided To Ban Cars For A Month

Two years ago, an average neighborhood in the South Korean city of Suwon embarked on a radical experiment: For one month, the neighborhood suddenly got rid of every car.

Called the Ecomobility Festival, it was created as a way to help the city move much more quickly to a low-carbon future by helping citizens get a visceral sense of how that future could look.

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Social vs Individual (Travel) Mode Costs

“Although these costs are easy to overlook, that doesn’t make them any less real,” says George Poulos, a transportation engineer and planner who analyzed the data behind the Cost of Commute Calculator. “Sometimes we pay them upfront, other times indirectly. But, at the end of the day, we still pay them, so we should consider them in our calculus when making big decisions.”

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