Category Archives: Irish Posts

Ireland, see also NI

Brief comments and excerpts from 2009 Pucher et al paper on effective pro-cycling measures

Ray Ryan, Chairperson, Skerries Cycling Initiative, 1st Oct 2010


John Pucher, Jennifer Dill, Susan HandyInfrastructure, programs, and policies to increase bicycling: An international reviewPreventive Medicine 50 (2010) S106–S125.


Pucher et al’s review addresses a tough question : what measures are effective in getting more people to cycle? Continue reading Brief comments and excerpts from 2009 Pucher et al paper on effective pro-cycling measures

Subsidies not the electric answer

ELECTRIC CARS: Taxpayers’ money needs to be used fairly for energy-saving initiatives. The best way to do this is to scrap the subsidies for electric cars and introduce a nation-wide car share scheme which will benefit us all, writes JAMES NIX

THE GOVERNMENT seems hell-bent on offering a subsidy of €5,000 to buyers of electric cars. Exclude the subsidy and a saloon-sized electric vehicle would cost in the region of €35,000. So, under the draft scheme, taxpayers stump up €5,000 for each electric vehicle but, unlike public transport, ordinary taxpayers have no opportunity to use these vehicles, unless, of course, they are among the small number of purchasers. Full article – Irish Times

Double hit for taxpayers as NRA needs €100m bailout on toll roads

NRA get toll figures wrong by 20 to 30% – but it’s taxpayers that will pay

  • On the M3 traffic is 22% below the penalty payments level
  • Traffic is 26% below the penalty payments level on the Limerick Tunnel
  • Taxpayers face a €100m bill over the life of PPP contracts based on a scenario favourable to the NRA i.e. traffic growth assumed from 2011
  • Arrogance and naivety of the NRA shown in toll road contracts
  • NRA continues to use discredited projections in attempting to justify further motorway

The NRA’s expectation that traffic would grow rapidly has proved hopelessly inaccurate. Continue reading Double hit for taxpayers as NRA needs €100m bailout on toll roads

Insanity in Galway

Inspired by this example from Harlow, Galway City Council have created this even more ambitious scheme on Doughiska Road. Unfortunately, the cost of erecting Cyclists Dismount signs at the 18 junctions, 41 private drives and 12 bus stops interrupting this 1.4km shared use pavement proved prohibitive, so they had to compromise by painting Give Way markings on the pavement.

Is there a better way to share our streets?

Ben Hamilton-Baille wants cars and people to share the same street space and he believes that this will make cities safer for pedestrians and drivers. Ben Hamilton-Baillie likes taking risk. He thinks we all need more of it in our daily lives.

“How we manage and live with it is part of the natural orders of life. Trying to mollycoddle motorists and cocoon them in safety equipment is good for neither the driver nor the other road users with whom they share the streets.” Full article.

Do You Know A ‘Leading Light’ in Road Safety

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is calling on people nationwide to nominate ‘Leading Lights’ in road safety as part of the 2010 ‘Leading Lights in Road Safety’ Awards. The awards recognise the extraordinary contribution of people across Ireland to make road use safer for everyone. The call for entries opens this today Monday 23rd August and the winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Dublin Castle on Wednesday 13th October. Continue reading Do You Know A ‘Leading Light’ in Road Safety