Category Archives: Irish Posts

Ireland, see also NI

Cycle friendly policies made mandatory for all Local Authorities – Cuffe

Minister for Sustainable Transport and Planning Ciarán Cuffe TD has announced that all local authorities will now be required to include specific policies and objectives in their development plans to encourage travel by bicycle and to enable the creation of safe, efficient and attractive networks of cycle routes, especially within urban areas. Continue reading Cycle friendly policies made mandatory for all Local Authorities – Cuffe

“I come up with all my ideas for songs when I’m cycling” – Karen Egan

Karen Egan singer & songwriter

Me & my money: Are you a saver or a spender? I rarely have enough money to save but when I do I think buying quality products always saves you money in the long run.

Do you shop around for better value? These days, all the time. But I do worry about eating food that’s cheaply produced, so I spend a bit more on that.

What has been your most extravagant purchase ever and how much did it cost? £120 on a top hat. It’s collapsible.

What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money? My bike. It’s the fastest and cheapest way of getting around town, and it’s my site of inspiration. I usually come up with all my ideas for songs when I’m cycling.

Full article – Irish Times

Number of children walking or cycling to school rises

THE NUMBER of children walking or cycling to and from school has risen considerably since 2004, according to a major survey which shows many pupils are not getting enough exercise.

According to the research, 31 per cent of primary school students and 40 per cent of post-primary students now walk or cycle to school, up by 5 per cent and 10 per cent respectively. Continue reading Number of children walking or cycling to school rises

Brief comments and excerpts from 2009 Pucher et al paper on effective pro-cycling measures

Ray Ryan, Chairperson, Skerries Cycling Initiative, 1st Oct 2010


John Pucher, Jennifer Dill, Susan HandyInfrastructure, programs, and policies to increase bicycling: An international reviewPreventive Medicine 50 (2010) S106–S125.


Pucher et al’s review addresses a tough question : what measures are effective in getting more people to cycle? Continue reading Brief comments and excerpts from 2009 Pucher et al paper on effective pro-cycling measures