A Dutch view of cycling in the USA
On the (UK) Guardian Bike Blog
Limerick Smarter Travel Infrastructure – update
After years of consultations, documents, PR etc. it is good to see some bollards on the ground at last
The flagship project is the river / canal path between the city and the university – 3/4km; but the road route is also in for improvement; the key impediment for cyclists on this route are two of the largest roundabouts in Limerick.
Below are some pictures of the work-in-progress on one of these roundabouts; a few things worth mentioning: 1) a key idea is to improve the (currently narrow) bi-directional pedestrian / cycle path on the city – university route 2) two 3-lane approaches to the roundabout are being reduced to 2-lane 3) the roundabout diameter is being increased
To be somewhat cynical about it, you could say this work is really a partial roll-back of the excessively car-centric infrastructure built in an earlier time
This is a report I did for LCC on this roundabout – which deals with these issues and more: Groody Roundabout Cycle Audit
Related post: Council slammed over Smarter Travel
Cycling Campaigners Launch Promotional Videos
As part of hosting the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) annual delegate conference, the largest gathering of cycling experts and advocates from around Europe in 2014, the Dublin Cycling Campaign, in partnership with Dublin City Council, has launched a series of cycling promotional videos. The Dublin City Manager, Mr. Owen Keegan, launched the videos at a reception at the Wood Quay Venue at the Civic Offices in Dublin at 18:30 h.
A series of five promotional videos have been produced to promote everyday cycling as a normal way of life in our city. See example: http://www.dublincycling.ie/videos/dublin-cycling-stories-paul Continue reading Cycling Campaigners Launch Promotional Videos
Irish Cycling Campaigners Host Major European Cycling Advocacy Event ‘IRELAND IS OPEN FOR CYCLING’
Cyclist.ie, the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, is hosting the European Cyclists’ Federation’s annual delegate conference in Dublin in the Wood Quay Venue of Dublin City Council where they will entertain
over seventy European cycling campaigners from twenty different countries, representing 50 million everyday cyclists across Europe.
This is the largest gathering of everyday cycling planning and advocacy experts in the Northern Hemisphere in 2014. During the course of the Dublin AGM, delegates will share expertise and ideas on how to recreate strong cycling cultures throughout Europe.
Campaigners call for Cycling Projects to Shift up a Gear
Thu 24 April 2014 Dublin, Ireland – Seminar for Local Authorities about Cycling Promotion at Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Dublin 8 at 13:30 h.
As part of hosting the European Cyclists’ Federation annual delegate conference, the largest gathering of cycling experts and advocates from around Europe in 2014, the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport and Cyclist.ie, the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network, are hosting a seminar on the theme of ‘Funding and Justifying Cycling Projects’, at Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices in Dublin Continue reading Campaigners call for Cycling Projects to Shift up a Gear
Cycling in Dublin: The next stage
The European Cycling Federation will hold its AGM in Dublin next week. The number of cyclists in the capital has doubled in 10 years, but the city has a long way to go before it can encourage nervous commuters to get on their bikes. Read article – also a video
Also, in the context of upcoming elections: What to ask Local Election Candidates
Minister Brian Hayes takes a ride
Colm Ryder of the Dublin Cycling Campaign gives Minister Brian Hayes a ride in the DCC cargo bike at St Stephen’s Green; Minister Hayes will welcome delegates on behalf of the Government at the European Cyclists’ Federation AGM being held in Dublin. In the context of the latest IPCC report, this is a timely reminder of the need for a radical overhaul of our transport paradigm; Irish times coverage
European Parliament votes for safer HGV/lorry cabs
Members of the European Parliament have voted today in the plenary to support the manufacture of safer lorry cabs under amendments made to Directive 96/53 on the maximum Weights and Dimensions of lorries.
The legislation will allow extra length to be used in the manufacture of lorry cabs as long as they conform to aerodynamic and safer specifications, with a view to this becoming mandatory for all new cabs. Continue reading European Parliament votes for safer HGV/lorry cabs
Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan
Comprehensive Cycle Network Plan published – to increase region’s cycle network 5-fold in length, to 2,840 kilometres (Údarás Náisiúnta Iompair, National Transport Authority)
Ambition for cycle network in 2021 to carry as many commuters as now take the bus – a three-fold increase
The National Transport Authority has today (April, 10) published its Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan, which sets out a ten year strategy for Counties Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow. The draft proposals were subject to a Public Consultation last September and October, which was advertised in the national media, and which resulted in 123 submissions from stakeholders and the general public. Continue reading Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan