Rise in cycling deaths highlights ‘appalling’ road layouts

On Monday, the fashion student Min Joo Lee, 24, became the 13th cyclist to be killed in London this year. She was hit by an HGV while navigating the Kings Cross one-way system near York Way.

The blogger Olaf Storbeck wrote that Joo Lee’s death was sadly predictable given the “appalling” road layout in the area. He called it one of the “worst death traps for cyclists in London”. Read more

Dublin ranked in top 10 cycling cities worldwide

DUBLIN HAS been ranked within the top 10 cycling cities in the world.

The Danish authors of the list said they were “surprised” that Ireland’s capital ranked as the ninth when they looked at 80 major cities around the world.

They said the city was undergoing a “grand rebound” in cycling thanks to “a wildly successful bike share programme, visionary politicians who implemented bike lanes and 30km/h zones, and a citizenry who have merely shrugged and gotten on with it”. Read more

Press release from Cyclist.ie – A consultancy report on cycle lanes released this week may not be what is needed to boost commuting cyclists numbers for 2020

PRESS RELEASE From Cyclist.ie – Ireland’s National Cycling Lobby Group

Cyclists say consultants’ cycle-lane claims need careful interpretation and action by roads authorities if numbers of cyclists are to be massively increased in line with government target of 10% of commuting trips made on bikes by 2020

The joint AECOM and TCD (Civil, Structural & Environmental Engineering) consultants’ report for Dublin City published this week attempts to show, using a cycling infrastructure preference survey methodology, what measures and policies are required in order to persuade many thousands more commuters to switch from car to bike use for their daily commutes. The context for this survey was the setting by the previous government of an ambitious target in its National Cycling Promotion Policy Framework (NCPF) of 10% of commuting trips nationally to be made by bike by 2020. We are way off that target already in 2011. Continue reading Press release from Cyclist.ie – A consultancy report on cycle lanes released this week may not be what is needed to boost commuting cyclists numbers for 2020

Cyclists call for a halt to construction of cycle lanes schemes pending a review for utility, safety and value-for-money

Cyclist.ie, Ireland's National Cycling Lobby Group, has called on the Government to postpone a recently announced “€4 Million Employment Initiative” that would have involved replacing rural road hard-shoulders with cycle lanes. Continue reading Cyclists call for a halt to construction of cycle lanes schemes pending a review for utility, safety and value-for-money

Formerly Cyclist.ie