, through our Rural Cycling Collective has developed a guide for Local Authorities to begin to develop a Vision for Cycling in Rural Ireland. The Rural Cycling Collective is an expanding array of small groups and individuals within the wider Advocacy Network with a focus on making rural communities (towns, villages and rural roads) cycle friendly for all ages and abilities. Expanding on an element of this Vision the Rural Cycling Collective has produced a discussion document on the the development of local rural roads for walking and cycling, which we call Rothar Roads.
Official launch of our Vision for Cycling in Rural Ireland
On September 23rd 2020, as part of national Bike Week, we invited stakeholders and interested parties to attend a Zoom webinar to launch our Vision with Minister Malcolm Noonan.
You can watch it back here, or listen to it as a podcast below.
Watch the full Launch Event for A Vision for Cycling in Rural Ireland above, or listen back to the edited version in a podcast episode below.
Clon Bike Cast · Ep 15: Vision For Cycling In Rural Ireland
What happened next?
Since we launched our Vision for Cycling in Rural Ireland rural groups across the country have worked together to ensure our 8 ‘Asks’ are not forgotten.
2021 – Vision posted to every Chief Executive
We printed a copy of the Vision to send to every Chief Executive in rural authorities which resulted in some positive meetings with Rural Collective members.
Feb 2022 – Leaflet posted to every rural Councillor
In February 2022 we created and posted a leaflet to every rural Councillor to remind them of our Vision and set out clear actions they can take to progress each of our 8 ‘Asks’.
See Article in Galway Advertiser
April 2022 – Rothar Roads
One of the key concepts in our Vision are Rothar Roads.
In rural Ireland we have an enviable dense network of smaller roads which already connect to homes, villages, shops, schools, workplaces etc.
What we are proposing is that key rural roads are redesignated as Rothar Roads – roads where people on bicycles are ‘expected and respected’.
This would involve a reduction in speed limits, installation of gateway signs, possibly local access only and most importantly behaviour change so that these public spaces are safe for all road users.
We have produced this Rothar Roads discussion paper setting out the concept in more detail.
May 2022 – BikeWeek Councillor cycle
As part of National BikeWeek rural groups called on their Cllrs to join them for a cycle to experience first-hand the opportunities and challenges of cycling in rural Ireland.

What next?
We will continue to push for all of our 8 ‘Asks’.
Please help us in any way you can.
Support, advice, funding, admin, press coverage and more are all welcome.
Thank you from all of us in the’s Rural Cycling Collective