The Herald is running commuting stories this week using different modes of travel; these are the cycling stories
Tag Archives: GeneralNews
General news about cycling
Belfast Bike Life Report
‘Bike Life’ has been prepared by Sustrans in partnership with the Department for Regional Development. It presents information on cycling infrastructure in Belfast, and cycling behaviour and attitudes to cycling expressed by Belfast residents. It is the first time that such comprehensive information has been provided for Belfast. Full Report
Ireland’s Transition to a Low Carbon Energy Future
This White Paper sets out our energy future. It confirms our core objectives of sustainability, security of supply and competitiveness. It strikes a balance between these three pillars, whilst ensuring a low carbon future. It seeks to empower and engage communities across Ireland. Facilitating our people to engage and debate Ireland’s energy challenges is essential for the future development of the industry. Full paper
Seville: Bike Friendly City
Kickstarters brightest bike gadgets
BBC Autos’ David K Gibson picks six of the crowdfunding site’s most promising projects for cyclists. Read more
European Commission Road Safety Workshop
Participants were asked to answer three questions proposed by
the Commission, on 27th November 2015.
The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) asked its member organisations to respond. is the member for Ireland of the ECF. Our views are represented in this submission to the EU Commission.
- What further commitments/initiatives can your organisation make to contribute to the reduction of serious road traffic crashes?
- How could your organisation contribute to further raise awareness of local authorities about required action for urban road safety?
- How can the Commission support such efforts?
Cycling and the Dutch: An ever-growing love affair
A new report by the Dutch Knowledge Institute of Mobility Management (KiM) gives an in-depth analysis about the status quo of the active transport modes – cycling and walking – in the Netherlands. The report title is very telling: ‘Cycling and Walking: the lubricating oil of our mobility’
The True Costs of Driving (USA)
Car owners don’t come close to covering the price of maintaining the roads they use
A report published earlier this year confirms, in tremendous detail, a very basic fact of transportation that’s widely disbelieved: Drivers don’t come close to paying for the costs of the roads they use
Consultation on Draft Transport Strategy 2016-2035 for the Greater Dublin Area
The National Transport Authority invites written submissions or observations on the Draft Transport Strategy 2016 – 2035 for the Greater Dublin Area, which has been prepared by the Authority in accordance with Section 12 of the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008. Read more
Deadline: Friday 13th November 2015 at 5pm.
Why are London cyclists so white, male and middle-class?
A fascinating study of why some Londoners cycle and others don’t illuminates cultural obstacles Boris Johnson’s cycling plans must overcome.
Among the several good objectives of Boris Johnson’s Vision for Cycling in London, produced in 2013, is an increase in the variety of Londoners who travel by bicycle. As Johnson himself puts it on page 5: “I want more women cycling, more older people cycling, more black and minority ethnic Londoners cycling, more cyclists of all social backgrounds – without which truly mass participation can never come.”