A poll of over 5,500 commuters across five major European cities has found that London commuters are late for work more often than those in any other major European city. This is despite a quarter setting off half an hour early each day in an attempt to guard against this. The majority of the city’s commuters also rated their daily travel as being more stressful than moving house. Read article
Tag Archives: GeneralNews
General news about cycling
End of the car age: how cities are outgrowing the automobile
Cities around the world are coming to the same conclusion: they’d be better off with far fewer cars. So what’s behind this seismic shift in our urban lifestyles? Stephen Moss goes on an epic (car-free) journey to find out. Read article
Highlighting road safety issues around large trucks
Large fleet operator – Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland, renowned city centre school – Belvedere College, An Taisce Green-Schools and Cyclist.ie, the Irish cycling advocacy network, will run a demonstration to highlight dangers of “blind zones” around Heavy Goods Vehicles(HGVs) for students at the Belvedere Sports Grounds on the Navan Road on 16 April 2015 (from 2 – 4pm).
Musgrave Retail Partners Ireland, the operator of a fleet of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) delivering to over 222 SuperValu and 465 Centra stores nationwide, together with Green-Schools, and Cyclist.ie, have organised the demo to raise awareness of an important road safety issue which impacts road users and pedestrians on a daily basis. Belvedere College is currently working on the Travel theme of the Green-Schools programme., which aims to promote sustainable and active modes of transport to school, including cycling
Green-Schools Travel
An Taisce has been working on the national Green-Schools Travel programme, which focuses on promoting sustainable travel on the school run, since September 2008. The Travel theme is funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and supported by the National Transport Authority under Smarter Travel Schools.
To date, over 1500 primary and secondary schools countrywide have taken part or are taking part in the Green-Schools Travel programme, implementing sustainable travel action plans in their schools. Since 2008 970 schools have been awarded the Green Flag for Travel, representing successful completion of the travel theme of the Green-Schools programme.
The ultimate aim of the Green-Schools Travel programme is to encourage students, parents and teachers to walk, cycle, scoot, Park ‘n’ Stride, use public transport or car pool instead of using the private car on the school run.
Jake’s Legacy vigil
Cyclist.ie – The Irish Cycling Advocacy Network – strongly endorses Roseanne Brennan (Jake’s Legacy campaign) to force road authorities to introduce lower speed limits in residential areas and estates.
We want to see a quantum increase in the use of the bike for commuting to study, work and for utility purposes, recognising that a ‘critical mass’ of cyclists in traffic leads inevitably to safer streets. Safer streets for cyclists are also safer streets for pedestrians.
The urban default speed limit of 50 km/h means that any vehicle going at this speed has far too much kinetic energy so that a pedestrian or cyclist impacted by a car driven at this speed will have only a 50% chance of surviving the collision (see Road Safety Authority chart below).
Cyclist.ie remains far from impressed with the data revealed by the Road Safety Authority’s (RSA) annual free-speed surveys which show typically that some drivers actually exceed the 50 km/h speed limit with fully 9% detected breaking that limit in urban areas in 20111. We are disappointed that no data is available for each of the years 2012, 2013 and 2014.
We campaign for 30 km/h to become the default speed limit on residential and urban streets and in all areas of high pedestrian and cycle use. It is enabled by existing traffic law, so road authorities have no excuse for not implementing the reduction.
We accept that on some streets it may be appropriate to have a higher limit based on the road characteristics – good provision for vulnerable road users and risk assessment by use of road safety audits, etc. Retaining any limit above 30 km/h in residential areas and at the approaches to schools should be a considered and formal decision based on local circumstances.
We believe there is a need for a paradigm shift in how road authorities manage traffic, and plan urban change, so as to enable pedestrians to use our roads and streets safely and to cater for the safety of the 8-80 age cohort while cycling. This is directly in line with the latest Departmental guidelines as outlined in the Design Manual for Urban Roads & Streets (DMURS,2013), and will also encourage an increase in active travel by foot and on bikes. Road traffic planning and provision in recent years has been for the benefit of the private motorist to the detriment of other road users such as public transport, pedestrians and cyclists.
In addition to improving safety, lower speed limits in residential estates would encourage young people to move about independently and would encourage parents to permit their children to do so. This would have consequential benefits for their fitness and general health and would contribute to combating the rising levels of obesity in our society. The improved safety and perception of safety, provided by lower speed limits would transform residential estates into more vibrant living spaces, with consequential benefits for the quality of life of residents and visitors.
We recognise that reduction of the speed limit alone will not be successful in reducing speed and improving safety unless it is accompanied by improved Garda detection and enforcement and appropriate road design. We support the recommendations of DMURS, the official guidance policy for local authorities in relation to street design, that insofar as possible lower speed limits should be accompanied by psychological and physical measures to encourage observance.
Throughout Europe, 30 km/h is fast becoming the default urban speed limit. In some cities, speed limits as low as 10 km/h are in place in ‘home zones’. Even in the United States, where the car is king, 25 mph (40 km/h) limits are common in urban areas and 15 mph (24 km/h) limits are rigorously enforced at schools. In an effort to curb traffic fatalities, New York City lowered its default speed limit to 25 mph (40 km/h) from the 7th November 2014.
In the UK the “20’s Plenty” Campaign has been successful in securing reduced speed limits in many urban locations and has produced a Briefings page with many documents showing the benefits of 20 mph (30 km/h) limits.
Lower speeds result in less noise and pollution and greater fuel efficiency (high fuel consumption is associated with stop-start traffic, not slow traffic). On residential roads and shopping streets, people simply don’t want to be exposed to the noise, fumes and dangers from higher speed traffic.
The Minister for Transport called on road authorities to review their urban speed limits in a Directive issued on 15 October last
Social vs Individual (Travel) Mode Costs
“Although these costs are easy to overlook, that doesn’t make them any less real,” says George Poulos, a transportation engineer and planner who analyzed the data behind the Cost of Commute Calculator. “Sometimes we pay them upfront, other times indirectly. But, at the end of the day, we still pay them, so we should consider them in our calculus when making big decisions.”
RSA 20’s Plenty – Presentation
20 is Plenty for Us is a UK based organisation, campaigning for 20mph to be the default speed limit in residential and urban streets.
One of its officers, Rod King, MBE presented at the Road Safety Authority’s conference about children and road safety in Dublin last Thursday 2 April. 20 mph in UK is our equivalent of 30 km/h. Recent presentation
See also the radio interview on the Ray D’Arcy show, 11 minutes in
From Limerick to Atlanta: the story of Ireland’s hipster High Nelly
Martin Mannering “stumbled across” the Irish vintage bicycle business when someone brought a rusty old High Nelly into his workshop in Cappamore, Co Limerick. Now he has a successful export business. Video: Enda O’ Dowd. Watch video.
Cycling Campaigners meet Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe T.D.
Dr. Mike McKillen (Chair of Cyclist.ie), Damien Ó Tuama (National Cycling Coordinator, Cyclist.ie & An Taisce) and Nuala Kelly (Dublin Cycling Campaign rep from the Dublin Central / Phibsborough area) met Minister Paschal Donohoe and his officials today. The purpose of the meeting was to press the Minister in regard to giving everyday (utility) cycling much greater priority within his portfolio.
ECF stresses economic benefits of cycling
Europe: The European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) has put out a growth plan detailing how the cycling community can contribute to economic growth in Europe.
The ECF’s Kevin Mayne said: “We can create more jobs for Europeans through investment in cycling, not only because it has a proven record for creation of green and sustainable jobs, but because of the huge contributions it makes to the EU’s wider objectives. Our partners, our businesses and policy makers are ready to build on cycling’s current 650,000 jobs and €217bn per year contribution to the EU economy.”
There are three main focus points for the ECF: great investment in cycling through provision of EU subsidies; integration of cycling into growth plans; and provision of fiscal benefits for cyclists.
The report stresses that 650,000 full time jobs are linked to cycling in Europe today. It argues that this figure could increase to up to one million by 2020, should cycling’s modal share double.
According to the ECF, over €2bn can be utilised from the EU up to 2020 to invest into cycling resources.
The cycling organisation argues that its plan fits into the European Commission’s pushing of a €300bn investment strategy, saying that cycling can play an important role in the future of Europe and should receive adequate investment.
Equality for all cyclists: The social justice case for mass cycling
From the UK
It’s fair to say that, for all the government promises of a “cycling revolution”, not a vast amount has happened in recent years to improve the lot of cyclists on British roads. Campaigns, pestering MPs, direct action – nothing seems to have worked.
So how about just taking legal action under equalities legislation, forcing local authorities to provide proper cycle infrastructure?
OK, it’s probably not going to happen soon, even if you could find somebody rich and patient enough to fund a fairly speculative test case.
But the idea, floated by Rachel Aldred, a sociologist and transport expert at the University of Westminster, is nonetheless fascinating as it highlights one of the lesser-aired arguments for a more cycle- and walking-friendly world: the issue of social justice.