Tag Archives: Health&Safety

All health & safety issues, inc. diet & lifestyle; also helmets

Mammy State ruling is verging on the ridiculous

Just in case you thought that the Nanny State had gone away, think again.

In fact, make that the Mammy State, because nobody but a brooding, finger-wagging, cross Mammy could take exception to the vision of a Sound of Music-style family meandering through the woods on bicycles. The Mammy in question is the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland and the outrageous behaviour they espied consisted of a national press advertisement featuring a two adults and three children cycling on a lane-way through fields. Read article

See also Ditching bike helmets laws better for health

Pedestrians and cyclists warned in road safety plan

PEDESTRIANS, CYCLISTS and bikers in the Dublin area are to be targeted by Gardaí as part of a new high-profile road safety campaign.

The “casualty reduction” plan, launched yesterday, will see “the full rigours of the law” applied to cyclists who go through red lights, cycle on footpaths or travel the wrong way on a one-way street facing increased levels of Garda enforcement.

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Healthy transport = Healthy lives

People have always wanted to reach destinations quickly, safely and efficiently. But as the UK transport environment has become increasingly complex, transport’s impact on health has become unnecessarily harmful – to the point where it is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality.

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Nothing new here for likely readers of this blog, but good to see the BMA flying the flag.

… and another IT article on lack of exercise

Which do you think is riskier?

Some situations seem far more dangerous to us than others, but the perceived risk is often quite far from the truth, writes NIAMH DORNAN … If we look at the numbers only, a different picture can emerge. The lifetime risk of dying in an air crash is 1 in 7,178, according to the National Safety Council of America. This is far lower than the 1 in 98 chance of dying in a car crash or the 1 in 701 chance of being killed as a pedestrian. Cyclists face a 1 in 4,381 chance of dying on their bicycles over their lifetime. Read article

Cycling is unsafe in UK urban areas, says poll

The majority of Britons believe it remains unsafe to cycle on urban roads and want major safety measures such as wholesale 20mph speed limits and more cycle lanes, according to an opinion poll.

The research, carried out by the national cycling and green travel charity Sustrans, found that 56% of people felt cycling on roads in built-up areas was not safe, and fewer than 20% regularly did this. Read more