has contacted many Local Election 2014 candidates (party candidates as we don’t have email contacts for the 341 non-party ones) to invite them to take a survey questionnaire about cycling promotion and what role they will play in their areas, if elected, to achieve the NCPF (2009) goal of 10% of daily trips to be made by bike by 2020. Continue reading Local & European Elections
Category Archives: EU Posts
European Union
European Cyclists’ Federation AGM & Events – April 2014
Dublin Cycling Campaign and are working hard on preparations for hosting the 2014 AGM of the European Cyclists’ Federation; see also ECF 2014
Cycling in Dublin and Berlin (Burkhard Horn)
As a student and tourist I cycled around Ireland in 1988 without a care, knowing nothing about the country. In June 2013, 25 years later, I had an unusual and unbelievably enriching experience when I came back to Ireland to talk about Berlin’s policies on cycle traffic at the National Bike Week in Dublin. Now that I am a traffic planner, specialising in cycle promotion, I see Dublin through quite different eyes. Read article & see earlier post.
Decision of The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland to require Unilever to pull its Flora advertorial in The Irish Daily Mail is regrettable
Letter from to Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland re: ASAI finding ref no. 19340 for unknown complainant regarding ‘Unilever’ presses advertorial for ‘Flora’ spread and active lifestyle
‘’ is the umbrella body for the various cycling advocacy groups throughout Ireland. We are the member for Ireland of the European Cyclists’ Federation. Our goal is to see a vast increase in the numbers of Irish people using their bike for work, shopping or socialising. The benefits of increased cycling are many: population health; personal and public cost savings; better traffic flow; environmental improvement, and better ‘liveability’ of our towns and cities. Our mission is to inform the Irish public and officialdom of these benefits, and the simple changes – engineering, education enforcement and others, required to reap them.
We write to object strongly to the recent finding of the Authority, Ref No. 19340 on the ASAI website, that an advertising feature (Unilever ‘Flora’ spread) in The Irish Daily Mail showing a family cycling in a park-like setting (not on a road) was in contravention of the Authority’s Code section 2.29. The complaint was that the group were not shown wearing helmets. The behaviour illustrated is in fact much healthier than the average Irish lifestyle, and is to be encouraged. Letter from to Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland re: ASAI finding ref no. 19340 for unknown complainant regarding ‘Unilever’ presses advertorial for ‘Flora’ spread and active lifestyle It does NOT constitute dangerous behaviour or unsafe practice, in our view. We note that motor vehicles being driven at speed are a constant inescapable feature of advertising and would challenge the Authority to show that all complaints to it regarding all examples of unsafe motoring have been justly upheld. Continue reading Decision of The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland to require Unilever to pull its Flora advertorial in The Irish Daily Mail is regrettable