Category Archives: International Posts

Outside EU / UK / US

The Bike Helmet Paradox

Plastic shells keep our heads from coming open, but they also deter us from riding bicycles. And riding bicycles is good for people and Earth. bike helmets aervauihiuerhav615

Admonishing a teenager for smoking is commonplace. Reprimanding people for taking antibiotics when they don’t really need them is the next big thing. And giving people a hard time about biking without a helmet is still entirely in vogue. It’s because we care. But as we learned from the original food pyramid, sometimes good intentions pave the road to adult-onset diabetes. Read more

The True Costs of Automobility

Thought that motor tax & insurance / VAT / Duty etc. cover the cost of motoring? Think again – see The True Costs of Automobility

Brief conclusion: The results of this study advocate that the European Union should embark as soon as possible on a process that estimates external costs regularly and develops a smooth integration path of these costs into transport prices: Slowly and steadily, designed well in advance of implementation, with accompanying measures to support adaptation. Let it be remembered that there is no intention of creating additional revenue from transport users: the intention is to give price signals so that everybody adapts and hopefully nobody has to pay these prices. Then, all costs would be reduced, efficiency would be increased.

Full conclusion:

(1) Based on the assumptions described in this study, the cars used within the EU-27 externalize about 373 billion euro per year (high estimate) on to other people, other regions and other generations (low estimate: 258 billion). This is a considerable sum, and it leads to a level of car use that is inefficient from the perspective of society. Because “others” pay for large parts of the costs of transport, Europeans travel by car too much to enable an efficient situation. This in part also explains why there is a high level of congestion in parts of the EU. Continue reading The True Costs of Automobility

Call to action from the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF)

Letter to Minister Varadkar from the ECF (today); see also Common Memorandum of cyclists’ user organisations

Re: Common Memorandum of cyclists’ user organisations on Irish, Lithuanian and Greek Trio Presidencies 2013 – 2014

Dear Minister, Dr. Varadkar,

This is a call to action from the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and its full member in Ireland, We’re requesting you to give cycling the attention it deserves during the forthcoming Trio Presidencies 2013 2014.

Urban cycling is seeing a revival in many towns and cities across Europe. As cyclist representative organisations, we are wholeheartedly rejoicing and supporting this evolution; more cycling means healthier people, less urban congestion, and urban environments that are attractive to citizens and investors alike.

The good news is that in times of tight public budgets, cycling offers the highest return of investment among all transport the different modes of transport. Continue reading Call to action from the European Cyclists’ Federation (ECF)

Don’t Let the EU Parliament Ignore 100 Million Cyclists

There are 35 million daily cyclists in Europe. There are more than 100 million Europeans that cycle regularly. Yet the European Institutions are failing to take cycling seriously as a mode of Transport.

Strategic EU documents keep failing to mention cycling and it is at risk of being sidelined by more powerful lobby interests.

It’s time for this to change.

Important budgets are being decided between now and 2014, and we want to stop this negative trend. It’s time for us to remind the European Parliament, a democratically elected body, that cyclists’ have a voice and a place in European policy.

By putting pressure on them, we make sure that cycling deserves recognition as an important mode of transport.

Action to Take: Send These MEPs An Email before Tuesday, December 18. We have prepared a draft statement, available here.

Please contact your country’s MEP from the Parliament’s Transport Committee. They can be found here

Which do you think is riskier?

Some situations seem far more dangerous to us than others, but the perceived risk is often quite far from the truth, writes NIAMH DORNAN … If we look at the numbers only, a different picture can emerge. The lifetime risk of dying in an air crash is 1 in 7,178, according to the National Safety Council of America. This is far lower than the 1 in 98 chance of dying in a car crash or the 1 in 701 chance of being killed as a pedestrian. Cyclists face a 1 in 4,381 chance of dying on their bicycles over their lifetime. Read article