Category Archives: Irish Posts

Ireland, see also NI

Bicycle Strategy for Northern Ireland – Submission review of the NI Draft Bicycle Strategy

Full submission

The Bicycle Strategy will be followed up by “a Bicycle Strategy Delivery Plan” which will outline specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound objectives, policies and actions.” Overall the draft Strategy includes some valuable points but we stressed in our submission that it is essential that the final Plan will include funding commitments as well. Otherwise the strategy is meaningless.

Some other key points we made were as follows:

  • The current spend on cycling in NI is very close to nothing. The public expenditure on NI roads for the year 2013-14 was £436M and less than 0.25% of this was spent on cycling infrastructure.
  • The road network (barring motorways) is there for everyone to use and it needs to be tamed so as to be safe and attractive for bicycles. It is utterly iniquitous that the existing road network is perceived to be hostile for cycling for all but the most battle-hardened cyclists!
  • It is crucial that driving training instructors and the PSNI fully understand the nature of cycling and correct road positioning, and can communicate that message to their trainees and officers, respectively. This is explained well in film by the Bicycle Association as reported on in the media just last week
  • The draft strategy needs to be much more ambitious in regard to seeking to make all built up areas traffic calmed, and safe and attractive for bicycle users of all ages (i.e. 8 to 80) and abilities. Unless there is a serious shift in policy towards making places liveable and attractive and “inviting for all” by reducing speeds on a widespread basis, there will be no cyclists left on Northern Irish roads!

Improvements to cycle and public transport access to Cork Station

Millions of euro in funding is to be spent improving accessibility between Kent Station and the city centre; construction on the project commenced summer 2014. Iarnród Éireann had been seeking to enhance the existing facilities at the Cork train station, with plans to develop the North Docks with an entrance building accessed from Horgan’s Quay. Now €2.9m in funding, administered by the National Transport Authority, is to be spent on the new entrance and bus, cycle and access arrangements to improve connections to the city. Read article

Cork Cycling Campaign:

  • Campaign on behalf of Cork Cyclists
  • Sent in their own submission on the proposal for this project
  • Meet first wednesday of every month at 7pm in the Bodega, Coalquay, Cork.

Garda report highlights cyclist’s concerns over under-reporting of accidents

The Garda Inspectorate Report on Crime Investigation, 2014 gives credence to cyclists concerns about how road traffic collisions involving motorised vehicles impacting with cyclists are handled by An Garda.

The Bedford Report for the HSE in 2011 showed that only approximately 10% of serious injuries (with hospital admission to a bed) incurred by cyclists in road traffic collisions were recorded by Garda.

The GI Report doesn’t mince its words: “This inspection has identified several deficiencies in recording practices, supervision and governance over recorded crime and the level of recorded detections for those crimes. The veracity of crime recording in Ireland must be addressed immediately. It is for this reason that the Inspectorate is making substantial recommendations to get it right from the first contact with a victim reporting a crime and through every stage of the investigative process”.

If a cyclist is knocked off his/her bike from impact with a motorised vehicle that is a potential criminal offence if serious injury results. Cyclists expect all such RTCs to be properly and fully investigated and recorded with appropriate follow-up. That clearly is not happening at present. Acute hospitals need to document all admission cases arising from cyclist RTCs and inform the Gardai of them.

The Departments of Transport, Justice and Health and the Road Safety Authority need to ensure that this scandal ends. It is an action from the NCPF since 2009. No sign of urgency so far.

Analysis of accident data and safety issues (abstract only)

The coco-cola zero bikes are coming to Galway, Cork and Limerick

11th November 2014 – The National Transport Authority has today announced further details for the Coca-Cola Zero Bikes regional scheme which will go live over the coming weeks. Galway will launch on Monday 24th November, followed by Limerick on 8th December and Cork on 18th December.

The National Transport Authority is also calling on the people of Galway, Limerick and Cork to pre-register now on so that the bikes can be availed of as soon as they are live on the streets.

Customers who pre-register will also get a 50% discount, receiving a special offer of €5 for annual subscription.  This special offer extends to the end of 2014. When a customer registers for an annual subscription, they will receive a Welcome Pack in the post containing details of the scheme and a subscription card.

Gerry Murphy, CEO of the National Transport Authority said: “We’re delighted to announce that the Coca-Cola Zero Bikes scheme will go live in Galway on November 24th. The bikes will be an exciting new addition to the cities of Limerick, Cork and Galway for business and recreational users alike. We urge anyone interested in using the bikes in any of the three cities to take advantage of the special 50% discount offer by registering now at”

More information

Prof. Brian Caulfield of TCD researches cycling issues


His latest work with his graduate student researcher, Jack Short, involved analysing two data sets containing information on serious injuries happening to cyclists on both our roads and off-road in driveways, gardens, MTB trails, etc. We know from the international research road safety research literature that police forces don’t necessarily record all cases of serious injury happening to cyclists from impacts with vehicles (these are called RTCs) on public roads so that there is considerable under-reporting of serious injuries. Continue reading Prof. Brian Caulfield of TCD researches cycling issues