Two wheels good. Four wheels bad

Bicycle people are nice people, car people are fascists

Citizens from countries that use bicycles in disproportionate numbers tend to be the most tolerant and free-spirited.image

The letters page of The Irish Times has recently been entertaining a debate about the menace that careering cyclists pose to poor wee drivers and their delicate metal carriages. One correspondent, annoyed by poor behaviour from the cycling community, has suggested that number plates be mandatory for all users of the two-wheeled engines of death (my facetious words, not hers). Read article

Roads turnaround: blueprint for urban areas puts cars at bottom of hierarchy

imageNew design manual recommends steps stuch as getting rid of guardrails, providing more zebra crossings and ‘decluttering’ streets by removing traffic signage

The accumulated wisdom of two generations of road engineers grappling with traffic in towns has been turned on its head by the Design Manual for Urban Roads issued jointly by the Departments of Transport and Environment.

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Inactive lifestyles kill an estimated 36,815 people each year

Full article (Sustrans – UK)

Professor Julia Verne, Director of the South West Public Health Observatory, said:

“While we realise there are some people who cannot engage fully in physical activity, the tool is useful in highlighting the scale of the impact of physical activity on health. Small increases in activity, even for those who can’t be fully active would still deliver big health benefits. Continue reading Inactive lifestyles kill an estimated 36,815 people each year

The Bike Helmet Paradox

Plastic shells keep our heads from coming open, but they also deter us from riding bicycles. And riding bicycles is good for people and Earth. bike helmets aervauihiuerhav615

Admonishing a teenager for smoking is commonplace. Reprimanding people for taking antibiotics when they don’t really need them is the next big thing. And giving people a hard time about biking without a helmet is still entirely in vogue. It’s because we care. But as we learned from the original food pyramid, sometimes good intentions pave the road to adult-onset diabetes. Read more

Boris Johnson’s bold thinking could change the future of London cycling

Boris JohnsonMayor’s new plans for cycling in the capital could re-shape the way Londoners transport themselves for decades to come

Make no mistake, this is significant.

No sooner do I lament the lack of political vision over cycling in Britain, as seen at the inquiry set up by the all-party parliamentary cycling group, when someone else altogether steps in with something truly bold.

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“20’s Plenty for Us” (UK) welcomes new DfT guidance on Setting Local Speed Limits

Press release (from the UK): 20’s Plenty for Us welcomes new DfT guidance on Setting Local Speed Limits

The DfT have once again added further support to 20mph limits in towns and villages in its latest 2013 guidance to local authorities on setting local speed limits.

On 18th January Stephen Hammond in a written statement to the house said that the new guidance “incorporates recent changes that create more flexibility for authorities to implement 20mph limits and zones.” Continue reading “20’s Plenty for Us” (UK) welcomes new DfT guidance on Setting Local Speed Limits
