Letter to NI Assembly on Helmet Law

I am writing this submission from my position as chairman of ‘Cyclist.ie’, the all-island umbrella body for utility cyclists. I was born in Belfast and lived there for part of my childhood years. All my relatives live in Northern Ireland.

I would urge that you listen to what experienced cyclists (Cyclists Touring Club, NI Cycling Initiative, many individual cyclists, etc.) have been saying to you about this Bill. Its original proponents may mean well but what you, as legislators, have to consider is the unintended consequences of introducing it into law.

I would urge that you consider your answer to these two fundamental questions below:

  1. Is the Bill going to reduce significantly the incidence of road traffic collisions involving a cyclist and a motorised vehicle?
  2. Is the Bill going to reduce significantly the incidence of head injuries leading to death or morbidity in such collisions?

The peer-reviewed research evidence suggests that the answer will be ‘no’ to both these questions. The CTC and others have provided you with the references to this literature. Continue reading Letter to NI Assembly on Helmet Law

Survey of General Election 2011 Candidates

With the general election looming we felt the need to make ourselves known to the prospective TDs and make cycling visible in the election campaign. Jonivar created a survey which can be found along with the summary at http://cyclin.gg/survey . The survey deals with; personal bicycle use, national cycling policy, benefits of cycling, encouraging cycling among children, driver training, bike schemes and the law. Continue reading Survey of General Election 2011 Candidates

Should you talk on your phone while cycling?

If my phone rings while I’m cycling, normally I won’t answer. I’m basically concerned for my safety – I’m not sure I could co-ordinate riding along and digging my phone out of my pocket at the same time. Unfortunately some callers seem to have an uncanny knack of knowing when I’m on my bike, and will keep phoning until I stop. I think the record so far is five calls before I finally gave up and pulled over. If you see someone riding along with a Vampire Weekend ringtone playing on repeat – that’s me. Continue reading Should you talk on your phone while cycling?

Northern Ireland Bike Helmet Law proposals: Helmet Law would be a public health disaster say cyclists

Cyclist.ie, the Irish national cycling lobby group, has reacted with dismay and deep concern to news of a proposal to make it illegal for people to cycle in Northern Ireland unless they wear a helmet.

Cyclist.ie chairperson Dr. Mike McKillen stated “The regular exercise provided by cycling confers protection against heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. There is a straightforward public health imperative to get as many people as possible to make daily journeys by bicycle. If this aim is be realised, we must not get distracted by counterproductive debates about helmet wearing.  The drop in the number of cyclists following vigorous helmet promotion in other jurisdictions draws a stark picture: you can promote cycling or you can promote helmets; you cannot do both” Continue reading Northern Ireland Bike Helmet Law proposals: Helmet Law would be a public health disaster say cyclists

Formerly Cyclist.ie