Cars to blame in most accidents involving cycles – Australia

NEARLY nine out of 10 accidents involving cyclists and cars in Australia are the fault of the motorist, new research has found.

The research also recommends introducing new road rules enforcing safe passing distances for cars.

Drivers were at fault in 87 per cent of incidents with cyclists and most did not realise they had behaved in a reckless or unsafe manner, according to the Monash University Accident Research Centre and The Amy Gillett Foundation. Full article – The Australian

Dublin bike scheme set for tenfold expansion

A TENFOLD expansion of the Dublin bike scheme from 500 to 5,000 bikes, which will be available to use from UCD to DCU, is planned by Dublin City Council.

The five-year expansion plan will see the number of bike stations across the city increased from just over 40 to about 300, bringing the service into the suburbs.

The expansion will take place in 14 phases radiating out from the current 41 locations. The area east of the current stations to the Docklands and west to Heuston Station will be the first areas of expansion, followed by the inner suburbs of Dolphin’s Barn, East Wall, Phibsboro, Cabra and Ranelagh. Full article – Irish Times

The race to stay visible at night

LEDs have revolutionised bike lights. But it’s time to unveil the latest technology – electroluminescence

Over the decades bicycles have undoubtedly become more sophisticated, but compared to some forms of transport – cars for example – the advance of technology has been less of a march, more a gentle amble.

But there’s one part of cycling technology where the pace of change reaches near computer-industry speeds: lights. Full article –

Cycling while pregnant: the verdict

When I said I was open-minded about cycling right until labour, I hadn’t really imagined that I would do it

Back in May I wrote about my experience of cycling while seven months pregnant and now, as three-month old Herbie kips in the next room (perhaps dreaming of his first bike?), I thought you might like to know how it all went.

Full article – UK Guardian

Sam Haddad with her husband and baby Herbie. Photograph: Matt Felwick
