A proposal from Guatemala City on how road space may be organised for different categories of roads, to cater for all road users. A pictorial representation: Continue reading Sustainable transport through participatory design. Guatemala City Bicycle Masterplan
Pothole-spotting app could make it a busy winter for councils
Motorists fork out €360m for parking their cars
IRISH motorists spent €360m last year on car parking fees, with a large part of the money being paid to local authorities for on-street parking. Full article – Independent.ie
Cyclist.ie argue that the excessive reliance by councils on parking revenue creates an incentive to remove road space for cyclists – and that local councils should be properly funded – by local taxation
The race to stay visible at night
LEDs have revolutionised bike lights. But it’s time to unveil the latest technology – electroluminescence
Over the decades bicycles have undoubtedly become more sophisticated, but compared to some forms of transport – cars for example – the advance of technology has been less of a march, more a gentle amble.
But there’s one part of cycling technology where the pace of change reaches near computer-industry speeds: lights. Full article – Guardian.co.uk
Our kids are falling behind in the one race in life that really matters
LAST Monday I set out to demonstrate to my kids the adage that there is no such thing as bad weather which should dissuade physical activity, merely unsuitable clothing. Full article: Irish Examiner
Cycling while pregnant: the verdict
When I said I was open-minded about cycling right until labour, I hadn’t really imagined that I would do it
Back in May I wrote about my experience of cycling while seven months pregnant and now, as three-month old Herbie kips in the next room (perhaps dreaming of his first bike?), I thought you might like to know how it all went.
Sam Haddad with her husband and baby Herbie. Photograph: Matt Felwick
Number of children walking or cycling to school rises
THE NUMBER of children walking or cycling to and from school has risen considerably since 2004, according to a major survey which shows many pupils are not getting enough exercise.
According to the research, 31 per cent of primary school students and 40 per cent of post-primary students now walk or cycle to school, up by 5 per cent and 10 per cent respectively. Continue reading Number of children walking or cycling to school rises
Cycling surges in the land of the automobile
America is known for its enduring love affair with the automobile. But in the last few years cities across the US have reported a surge in bicycle use, as people search for greener, healthier – and cheaper – transport options. The BBC’s Daniel Nasaw looks at what Washington DC is doing to push two-wheeled travel. Full article
Cycle schemes ‘need evaluation’, say researchers
Brief comments and excerpts from 2009 Pucher et al paper on effective pro-cycling measures
Ray Ryan, Chairperson, Skerries Cycling Initiative, 1st Oct 2010
John Pucher, Jennifer Dill, Susan Handy; Infrastructure, programs, and policies to increase bicycling: An international review, Preventive Medicine 50 (2010) S106–S125.
Pucher et al’s review addresses a tough question : what measures are effective in getting more people to cycle? Continue reading Brief comments and excerpts from 2009 Pucher et al paper on effective pro-cycling measures